Captain Jake and the Neverland Pirates meets Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Gang

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Chapter 3 

Burning feeling

While Mickey is still  tied up bound and gagged inside the cage.  Then volcano is starting to explode and the lava is getting hotter. The Evil Grim Buccaneer put the cage which Mickey is still tied up bound and gagged. Do you have any last words my prisoner! Said Grim Buccaneer! Then Mickey said to the Grim Buccaneer! Captain Jake and My friends will find me! said Mickey! This is good Bye Mickey! said Grim Buccaneer!

Then Suddenly Grim Buccaneer throw the Cage with Mickey still tied up  Bound and gagged inside the cage!  Then the cage which Mickey is still tied up Bound and gagged is started to sink to the lava. Then Mickey Muffled "HELP!"

Then Meanwhile Captain Jake, Izzy, Cubby, and Skully and new friends Minnie, Donald, Daisy, and Goofy will be too late to rescue Mickey before the volcano and Lava explode! 

Then the Grim Buccaneer said to Captain Jake, Izzy, Cubby, and Skully and new friends Minnie, Donald, Daisy, and Goofy! Your Beloved Mickey is sinking to the lava and getting Burned as we speak! Said Grim Buccaneer!

Captain Jake said to the Grim Buccaneer all of us will rescue Mickey! I never give up! Said Captain Jake! 

Then Meanwhile inside the volcano Mickey has sinking feeling that this is end of Mickey Mouse!

Mickey is thinking of his friends trying to find me! I hope that Captain Jake and my friends will find me before I been Burned! Then Mickey Muffled "HELP!"

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