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In this tag I have to answer 15 questions, give 10 facts, tag 10 people, and give them 10-15 questions (and so do the people I tagged--that is, if you want ☺)
Tagged by Rey-From-Jakku, here's some Q&As and facts about me!

1) What are your religious views?
I'd consider myself an atheist. I mean, I was raised in a family who taught me about different religions in a logical, non-believing way so that I would be respectful and open-minded. So I never assumed any religion.

2) What are your political views?
I'm in favor of the Democratic party; specifically Bernie Sanders. The Republicans' views are too... problematic and harmful, I guess, for the country. And while I do support Hilary Clinton, she wouldn't be my first choice for president.

3) Who are your favorite actors and actresses?
Oh. Damn. Um, okay. I'm gonna shorten this list. So, we've got Scarlett Johansson, Olivia Wilde, Sara Ramirez, Chloe Bennet, Ming-Na Wen, Elizabeth Henstridge, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, and Justin Chambers.

4) What are your favorite movies?
I don't watch that many movies, but I'll have to go with any Marvel movies, especially Avengers. I also enjoy action/disaster movies, like 2012 and San Andreas.

5) What are your favorite TV shows?
Grey's Anatomy, Agents of SHIELD, Doctor Who, Orange is the New Black, and Agent Carter.

6) Do you consider yourself to be superstitious?
Curious, yeah. Superstitious, not really.

7) What genres of music do you enjoy?
Pop (in English and Spanish), classic rock, some reggae in Spanish, and some rap.

8) How often do you swear?
Yikes. Too often. Mostly when I'm not around my parents, so like at school or when I'm with friends.

9) If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring?
A knife, one of those radios that work almost anywhere to both receive and transmit, and a first aid kit.

10) What school (grade) are you in?
I'm a 10th grader, so in high school.

11) What was the grossest food you've ever eaten?
It's between those gourmet canned dog foods and raw oysters.

12) Favorite Wattpad book?
In Her Eyes (a Whoufflé fanfiction) by someone I forgot :/ or anything by wholockedpsycho7 or starkidfan224.

13) List some or all of your pet peeves.
Um, bad grammar, loud chewing, people talking in an annoying and cheesy voice, homophobes, racist people, and know-it-alls who end up being totally wrong.

14) In your opinion, who's a better role model: Katniss Everdeen, Tris Prior, Hermione Granger, or Bella Swan?
Hermione Granger, for her courage, determination, and good-hearted nature.

15) Do you agree with me that Divergent is a total rip-off of the Hunger Games and that the Hunger Games is a total rip-off of Battle Royale?
I've never heard of Battle Royale, but I do agree on the first part.

1) I say "yikes" and "same" way too often.

2) I wanna learn sign language.

3) My favorite kind of shoes are probably Converse.

4) I love Grey's Anatomy so much, and my favorite character is Callie Torres.

5) I like to think I'm good at Clash Royale, but then again, I've only been in Arena 4 once. 😂

6) I read too much fanfiction and not enough published books oh well.

7) I love when girls have shoulder-length hair and/or when they do the thing where they sorta casually ruffle their hair back so nonchalantly but damn

8) My daily attire is just a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, plus way too many hair ties on my wrists.

9) I think I'm obsessed with Neko Atsume. I think.

10) I am actually very sleepy rn but then again when am I not

My questions
1) Favorite show?

2) If you could experience any culture, which would it be?

3) Favorite Greek, Roman, and/or Norse god/goddess?

4) Favorite non-American food?

5) Ever been in the hospital? Why?

6) Do you believe in love at first sight?

7) Least favorite author or book?

8) Are you a Tumblr and/or Netflix person?

9) Favorite show and character from that show?

10) What languages are you fluent in?


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