"the night you took my title from me I wasn't in my right state of mind. you knew that and you used that to your own advantage-"

she cut me off, pissing me off, but I listed.

"Wait a second, wait a second, I'm bad at wrestling? me, the nature girl. the women who has been doing this since she was 6 years old? maybe you should take a closer look at what sits quite perfectly around my waist. and oh my god, the excuse you're making up-"

and that's when it was my time to cut her off completely. I raised my mic and spoke with a stern face, anger was all you could hear.

"you think I'm trying to make up excuses? excuses?! Hell no! I know that I lost fair and square, I know that I got submitted with no cheating involved! but what I'm trying to say is I let it happen, I wasn't thinking about the match at hand or what I was losing. I was too busy worrying about my life at home and not some washed up diva who is only here because her daddy sucked up to the right people"

as I said that I dropped the mic and attacked Charlotte, surprising the crowd. I threw a couple of punches and let her get to her feet, stumbling. I walked towards her, knock her back down and looking at the crowd. I did the unthinkable, I put her in her own submission hold. I had her locked in the figure 8 until the refs come out and pulled us apart.

I slid out of the ring with my hands up, smiling at the crowd, but grinning at her inside the ring. this is my time and everyone better believe that, that title will be around my skimp waist once again, and sooner than later. I motioned my hand for another mic as I stood at the top of the ramp.

"by the way Charlotte, I may always be the little girl who gets paid to be a sore loser to you. but at least I can say I got here from talent and not just because my family was an admission ticket"

I let the crowd get loud for a second as I locked eyes with Charlotte and went off script got a Big Bang ending.

"ps you'll always be the same try hard diva, who is only here because she opened her body for business and her father kissed the right asses in this company. to me, you're just a pathetic excuse of a wrestler and it's a disgrace to us divas who actually work for that title."

I dropped the mic, smirked and walked backstage. I know that was a risky move, but it needed to be said. hopefully it would earn a huge pop and the consequences for going off script would be less severe.

"arsyn to Stephanie's office, arsyn to Stephanie's office"

as soon as I heard that over the intercom, I started making my way towards the bosses office, thinking about what could potentially happen. I could get suspended, fired, or they could promote me. either way, I knew there was going to be a consequence.

I made my way to the office door, turning slightly and knocking hard enough for anyone inside to hear.

"come in" Stephanie said. as I walked in and gently closed the door behind me, not speaking. I suddenly became more nervous than I already was if that was possible.

"please, have a seat. we need to discuss what happened out there tonight." Stephanie took a seat in the chair behind her desk as I sat on the sofa, trying to find the words to say what I needed to, but nothing came out.

"so arsyn, as you know you definitely went off script saying some pretty rude things. you know that in this business you are always supposed to confirm these things with either Paul or myself, correct?" she looked at me and I could just tell that she was disappointed.

"yes ma'am" I said with a shake in my voice, trying to stay as calm as possible.

"well you violated that trust and now we have to do something about it. as of right now it did earn a huge pop so it helps the storyline of you being heel, but along with that still comes consequences" she moved a folder in front of her, opening it and reading it over before speaking again. "you're suspended from in ring competition for 30days. meaning your storyline will be that you get injured Thursday night. I need you to sign on this line and then you're free to go"

she slid the folder over to me as I read the contract sitting in front of me. this is a form to let everyone know that legally I agreed to being suspended and if i showed up without permission they could take legal action against me. "Stephanie, um I know this is asking maybe over the line of this contract, but can I still come to the arenas backstage without anyone seeing me to support Randall?"

she sighed, I could tell she was thinking about it. "arsyn, you know I've been in your shoes before, but I'm afraid not. you can not be near the buildings for those 30 days unless told otherwise by creative, Jane, Paul, or myself. I'm sorry"

I simply nodded my head understanding the choices I made and the consequences I've earned. I signed along the line and handed the folder back to her. "i guess I'll see you in 30days, thank you Stephanie and I'm sorry". I said as I walked out of her office and into the locker room.

once I was inside I quickly changed out of my ring attire, packed all of my things, and gathered everything out of my locker. before I could leave someone was inside the locker room with me. "hey arsyn nice pipebombs tonight, it was well needed around here" she said as she walked over and gave me a high five.

"yeah it was, but unfortunately I went off script and I'm suspended for thirty days. see you in a month Paige" I walked over to her and gave her a quick hug before making my way out of the locker room, through the building, and into my car.

I DO NOT HATE Charlotte! it is simply a storyline and nothing more! ps, I've noticed new readers and I hope that by the time you guys reach this part of the book, you absolutely like it.
also, there is probably only going to be about 5 more chapters and then it's coming to an end guys! however I'm thinking about a sequel with a certain twis. we'll see.
Thank You All For Reading, I Know It Isn't Amazing, But It's My First Book And I'm Trying. If You're New To The Book, Welcome Aboard.💓

Wish Come TrueOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora