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Adrian's POV

its been an entire month since I lost my title and its currently Monday night raw again.. I was scheduled for a match on smack down last week, but I didn't attend and now my storyline is taking a twist. before that match I was already a heel, but now I have motivation and the heel is taking a whole new turn. tonight I'll be interrupting Charlotte while she's giving her "champion speech", let's just say I've got a pipe bomb lined up.

randy was driving us to the arena so I decided to check my twitter, something I havent done in a month or so. as I logged on I saw multiple fans tweeting me heartfelt things and honestly I couldn't help but to smile. I retweeted a few and faved some. I sent out a tweet; @/wwearsyn : thank you for the love, I have a surprise for the Oklahoma fans tonight!!! love you all. xoxo💗

when we arrived at the arena we went straight to the back, not being seen by fans or the cameras because although I sent that tweet out no one knows for certain if I am here or not. my pipe bomb on her is supposed to be a surprise and I just hope my fans haven't given up on me. we grabbed our bags and locked up the truck before turning around and heading for the building.

did I forget to mention that randy and I haven't really been acting like a couple much? I guess its because I'm pushing him away, but its not like I mean to.. I made a quick decision and laced our fingers together, looking up at him and just seeing that smile back on his face made me smile. I love this man and I wouldn't want to lose him. after all we've been together for three years now, its almost like a fairytale.

-charlottes speech-
"I'm honestly honored to stand here, in the middle of this ring today, as your divas champion. now, people seem to think I cheated to get this belt or that I didn't deserve the victory I solemnly had. however I've worked long and hard to be where I am right now, today. you all should be happy that you have a divas champion who actually shows up when she has a scheduled match, a champion who is willing to put her title on the line for your amusement, and you should all be thanking me for saving the division. but you know what, think what you want, feel however you want. because at the end of the day, look who is standing in the middle of this ring with the title around her waist, and it will stay this way until my body can no longer compete. as far as arsyn goes, she will never get her hands on this"

she looks down, patting the belt around her waist, glaring at the camera.

"Again. and in my eyes arsyn, you will always be the girl who had a lucky win, the girl who gets paid to be a sore loser."

as she said that I was watching the tv monitor in the guerrilla. my music hit, I walked out with a mic in hand as the crowd erupted, cheering and changing my name.

"you know Charlotte, I'm getting really tired of hearing what you always have to say about me as a champion. as a matter of fact, I'm tired of seeing you holding what belongs around my waist"

I looked out at the crowd, as they continued to cheer for me and clapping at what I was saying. I looked into the ring, stopping by the outside of it still near the ramp.

"I think everyone knows how you got here, I mean how you got into the business at all. after all, you're the golden girl. daddy's precious package, naturally breed for the business. the only problem with that is... well.. you kind of suck at wrestling and your pipe bombs are weak"

I paused, taking a deep breath and laughing lightly as the crowd clapped and hollered. I walked up the small steps and got inside the ring, not afraid to get in her face.

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