Lazy Sundays

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Gerard couldn't help but smile as he woke up and inhaled the fresh scent of coffee. He squinted his eyes slowly letting them adjust to the bright sunlight now streaming through the gap in the curtains of the bedroom he shared with Frank. Speaking of Frank. Gerard turned away from the light to see there was no sleeping Frank beside him, missing the warmth, Gerard wrapped the black sheets more closely to his body and sat up in bed. He peered around their simple bedroom looking for any sign of life.

Frank busied himself around the kitchen washing up the dishes from the night before and waiting on the coffee to be ready to take to his sleeping Gerard. He was always the first one up as Gerard always stayed up late to finish sketches or writing. Frank was humming along quietly to the radio, some charts music playing over the local station. Just as he began to pour the coffee he heard the sound system, which ran through the entire apartment, switch from the quiet hum of the radio to, obviously, the 'Hunky Dory' album by David Bowie. 'So Gee's awake' Frank giggled to himself. As 'Changes' rang through the apartment Frank picked up the steaming hot cups of coffee and went through to the bedroom.

Gerard smiled at the sight of his heavily tattooed boyfriend standing in the door way smiling with two cups of black coffee in either hand. Gerard had taken to looking at his social media accounts, his usual 'Good Morning' tweet sent out and his routine scroll though Facebook and Instagram done he placed his phone down on the bed beside him. Frank was now slouched against the leather headboard his mug balancing on his stomach, Gerard picked up his cup and sipped it casually until he was fully awake and was able to form coherent sentences again. Frank liked this, he had always had this thing about domesticated living and lazy days in bed. He liked have Gerard all to himself.

'Bored' Gerard said more into his cup than to Frank whilst he went to grab his sketch pad from the floor beside him. Frank giggled setting his cup down onto the table beside his side of the bed, which was organised and neat unlike Gerard's. Frank's bedside table consisted of the book he was reading, a lamp, his notepad and his mug of now lukewarm coffee. While Gerard's was piled with midnight sketched and 4 coffee mugs all empty from the night before and 3 pairs of reading glasses and his two phones. Frank turned to his boyfriend kissing him softly on the cheek.

'It's Sunday Gerard, no work on a Sunday' He whispered taking the pad out of his hands. Gerard fought back a little making puppy dog eyes and grabby hands at Frank. But soon he gave up because it's was a Sunday morning and he really didn't have the energy to argue with his small but extremely persistent boyfriend.

'Please can you put something else on, I love Bowie I do, but you've been listening to this album for the past week consistently.' Frank groaned snuggling into his boyfriend.

'I'm only playing it because I want to listen to Bowie and 'Hunky Dory' is your favourite album.' Gerard laughed picking up his phone and switching on his music app. 'What would you like to listen to?'

'Hmmm, just something that isn't Bowie or Costello' Frank said, eyes now closed and his back against the head board. Gerard smiled knowing exactly what he was going to play. 'And don't you dare play Iron Maiden'

Gerard sighed 'And why not? You love them??'

'Yes, I do. But not at 9am.' Frank said opening his eyes and looking up at Gerard.

'Okay...' Gerard said scrolling through his phone. 'How about this' all of a sudden the soft guitar riffs of 'Song For Bob Dylan' stopped and was replaced by an unfamiliar voiced indie tune flowing through the speakers.

'You know Dallon Weekes?' Gerard said humming along quietly to the catchy tune.

'Yeah, I know of him.'

'Yeah, well this is his band. 'The Brobecks''

'They're good' Frank said sleepily.

'Anyway what are we going to do today??' Gerard said snuggling into the covers.

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