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Emily woke up from the sun shinning in her eyes.She rolled to the other side of the bed and grabbed her phone.As she glanced at the time her eyes grew very wide.They had missed the alarm and they were almost late to Comic Con.Emily quickly got out of bed and shook her best friend awake.

"What????"mumbled Kate in her clearly annoyed voice

"We are going to be late!!Get up!!"Emily screamed just before she entered the bathroom.

Tiredly Kate got out of bed and made her way to the closet.She decided on wearing a black crop top,black skinny jeans and white converse.When Emily got out of the shower she looked unrecognizable.She had sprayed her hair strawberry red to resemble Clary.Emily quickly grabbed the fake tattoos and slapped them on her arms and neck.She decided to wear a white V-neck white shirt,black skinny jeans,a black leather jacket and black leather boots.She put on her fake nerd glasses and grabbed her bow and arrow.When they were both ready they headed to the lobby.The handed the lady their room keys in case they lost them at Comic Con.They quickly called a cab and waited for its arrival.When it finally arrived they headed to Comic Con.

They were one of the last to get there so of course they couldn't get in the front row which kinda upset Emily but that didn't last long.When the room finally filled up the presenter walked in greeted everyone.The big screen showed a quick sneak peek from season 2 and then he started introducing the cast and crew.Slowly Kat,Dom,Matt,Harry,Alberto,Isaiah,Emeraud,Ed Decter,Mc G and finally the author of the books Cassandra Clare walked in.They said hello to everyone and started talking about the upcoming season.A few minutes later they moved on to answering questions given by the fans.Emily had rehearsed her question a million times to make sure she didn't mess up.She finally had the courage to raise her hand but when they pointed at her it was like she forgot the whole question.She quickly recovered and asked

"What do you want to see more in season 2?"

Emeraude was the first to answer. "I would like to see more fights and definitely more Sizzy."

When she said that,the whole room cheered.Cassandra noticed her fabulous outfit and pointed it out to the others.A few seconds later Kat asked her if she would like to come up on stage.Emily was frozen in her tracks but when the security guard came to escort her on stage she put her fear at the back of her mind.When she slowly made her way on stage Dominic was the first to notice her bow and arrow and pointed it out to Matt.Everyone came around to give her a big hug.

"I like your runes"whispered Emeraude.Emily gave her a quick smile.

"Came have a sit in my chair"said Mc G while getting up and making room for her to sit down.Emily made her way to the chair.

"Who is your favorite character?"Cassandra asked.

"I would have to say either Alec or Magnus."

When it was time for her to leave the stage Matt and Harry walked up to her a gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.When Emily made her way down the stairs her best friend was waiting for her, mouth open wide.Emily couldn't believe what had just happened.She had just gotten a kiss on the cheek from her celebrity crush.It was like a dream come true.

A few more questions were asked and it was time for them to leave.The cast said their goodbyes,waved and walked off stage.Everyone was making their way toward the exit but Emily was still in shock of what had just happened. Kate called a cab and they went back to the hotel.

Hi guys,I really hope you enjoyed this chapter.Make sure to vote and I love you all!!

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