"I'm not riding the team bus Jonathan. I'm not part of the team." Before he could say anything my phone started ringing. I glance at the number and instant panic sets in. "H-Hello..." I mumble trying to get my voice to actually work.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"I'm..." I thought about lying, but if there was a chance he was actually at my place he'd be even more furious. "I'm in Minnesota. Daddy bought me a plane ticket and a ticket for the game." Caleb didn't say anything for a minute.

"Are you alone right now?" His voice got unnervingly quiet.

"I'm in my dad's room, but I just walked into the bathroom to talk to you." I couldn't look over at Jonathan. I knew he was looking at me with concern plastered all over his face, but I wouldn't be able to hold it together if I looked.

"Let me remind you that if anyone finds out what happens behind our closed doors, then your friend Jonathan Toews will come into an unfortunate hockey-ending accident." His voice was low, but I could feel the edgy undertone. "And if that isn't enough then maybe I should end Patrick Kane's career too. What will everyone think when their precious Chicago Blackhawks lose their 2 most valuable players due to your horrible act?" I didn't know what to say. He wasn't just threatening just one of my friends anymore. "ANSWER ME DAMNIT!" I jumped a little.

"I won't say anything."

"Good...you'll pay for leaving me alone when you come back." He whispered the last part as he hung up the phone. I slid the phone back in my sweatshirt pocket, took a deep breath and turned to face Jonathan.

**Jonathan's POV**

She wouldn't look at me during the entire conversation with her boyfriend. I sat there silently knowing if he heard one thing that the consequences would be really bad on Sunday when she got home. I knew she had no clue that I could hear every word that came from the other end of the phone. He was not only threatening the girl I loved, but also me and one of my best friends. He was right about one thing though...if something happened to me or Kaner and he put the blame on her, she would be driven out of Chicago forever. It wouldn't matter that she is the daughter of the Chicago Blackhawks owner. Now I felt an urgency to help her more. I stood up to leave.

"I'll be back in 20 minutes to get you. The bus leaves at 10:30." She was about to argue with me, so I quickly put my hand over her mouth. "I don't care if you don't want to ride the team bus, but per your dad's request you have to." I smiled at her as I noticed the tone on her face change. She was smirking. After everything I just heard it was a nice surprise to see her smirking. It took another couple of seconds for me to realize that the smirk wasn't because of what I said, but what she had just done. I removed my hand from her mouth after feeling her tongue sliding around my palm. She grinned when I wiped my hand on my pants. And that was it, I saw my best friend come back. "Payback Moll!" I said as I tackled her back onto the bed. She squirmed as my hand found her most ticklish spots...her sides.

As she laughed and moved to get away, I noticed another dark mark as her sweatshirt bunched up. I slid my hand towards the mark and ran my fingers over it. The giggling instantly stopped and was replaced by a yelp of pain. She sat up quickly and readjusted the sweatshirt. We were going all the way back to square one.

"How many more bruises are there Molly?" I asked hoping that she would be truthful and also hoping that those were the only ones.

"A few..." she said quietly pointing towards her arms, shoulders, legs, and rib cage.

"I want to see them." I could tell she was hesitant to show me, so I sat back down next to her. "Molly, please look at me." She turned and I could see tears filling her eyes, her very defeated eyes. "Molly, what can I do that will help you realize how special you are? You don't deserve any of this."

"Please Jonny..." the tears started falling, but she didn't even try to wipe them away.

"I heard him threaten Kaner and I."

"Kaner and me." I smirked as she corrected my sentence.

"Fine. I heard the conversation and we can help. Look at your face." I paused hoping these words would start sinking in. I couldn't read her face through the tears. "Molly, it hasn't gotten better. You can charge him with abuse. There is stuff you can...we can do. Please let us help you." Before I could say anything else, she was taking off her sweatshirt. It was a moment that I had been hoping for since I fell in love with her, but this circumstance ruined the thought completely.

**Molly's POV**

I could tell Jonathan was horrified as I pulled my sweatshirt over my head. The bruises on my arms and shoulders had nothing on my ribs and back. I wanted help. I knew I didn't deserve what happened to me, but I was afraid of what else could happen. I knew that I couldn't be afraid any longer. The look on Jonathan's face over the last day told me that I would not go through any of this alone ever again. I grabbed my phone off the night stand and handed it to Jonathan.

"Why are you handing me your phone?"

"I'm going to need more documentation if I have to fill out a police report." He sighed and nodded in agreement as he reached for his phone.

"I want to have proof in case you chicken out and delete the ones we take." I could tell he wanted to add more to his statement, but he sat quietly and pulled the cameras up on each phone. I took a deep breath and stood up. He snapped a few pictures with both phones and then handed me a pen and paper. "Write down everything." I gave him a sad smile as I walked to my purse. I pulled out a notebook and handed it to him. He started flipping through the pages.

"I already did...along with pictures after each time." I could tell this was getting harder for him, but he kept looking. When he finally finished he stared at the last entry from 2 nights earlier. "Jonathan..." he looked up at me for the first time since I handed him the notebook. I couldn't believe the tears coming from his eyes. He stood up and wrapped me in a hug.

"I'm sorry you've had to go through this Molly. I should have asked sooner."

"Don't you start blaming yourself, Jonathan Toews! If you won't let me say I brought this on myself then you sure as hell can't say it's your fault."


"NO!" I said it forcefully, making us both jump back in surprise.

"I promise he will NEVER hurt you again." I was tired of talking about this. I just wanted to collapse on the bed and take a nap, but I knew I had one more person to tell my story too.

"Hey, I need to go talk to my dad. Do you know what room he's in?'

"Yea, I'll walk you over there." We walked quietly down the hall. "Want me to come get you for the bus?"

"No, I'll have Dad bring me over." He looked at me suspiciously. "I promise. I don't want to miss any hockey while I'm here." He smiled, knocked on the door, kissed my cheek, and started back down the hall. I wanted to run as I stood in front of my dad's hotel room door. I wanted to get away with every fiber of my being, but I also wanted to get away from the mess I had gotten myself into.

"Hey Daddy..." I said as the door opened. I walked in to have a talk I was seriously dreading.

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