“Listen Makayla, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I—” I cut Zayn off.

“You didn’t mean to hurt me or you didn’t mean for me to find out? Did you even love me? Did I even mean anything to you?” I could feel the tears starting to come back.

“B-both I guess. I did love you, and I still do. You meant the world to me.” Zayn inched closed but I stepped back.

“How long?”


“How long has this been going on?” Zayn stayed quite.

“Zayn… Just answer me please?”

“About 2 years…”

“Unbelievable… Why, why would you do that to me? Hurt me like that?” Tears were falling down my face.

“I don’t know, I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“Zayn, if you weren’t happy with our relationship you should’ve just broken up with me. Where did we go wrong?”

“You did do anything wrong. I did.”

“I know this is going to be hard for me, the both of us but I can’t do this anymore.” Zayn came close and caught me by surprise. He kissed me, but I pulled away.

“C-can you please leave.” I said not being able to look at him anymore. He didn’t say anything, he just left. After a couple seconds I heard a slam and a couple of shrieks. I tiptoed out of my room to see what was going on. Zayn was pinned against to wall by Liam and Louis. Danielle and Eleanor were behind them at a safe distance.

“I warned and told you not to mess with my sister or break her heart. I want you to stay away from her or I will be the end of you.” Liam spat at him.

“Look what you did to her arm. It’s bruised up because of you.” Louis spat. Liam raised his arm.

“Liam don’t hit him.” I ran in front of Zayn.

“Makayla move out of the way.” Liam hissed.

“N-no.”  I’ve never seen Liam this mad before and frankly it scares me.

“Liam, look your scaring her.” Danielle said walking slowly towards us. Liam slowly lowered his hand and backed away and I ran and hugged him.

“Leave Zayn, and don’t come anywhere near her.” Again he didn’t say anything he just left.

“I’m going to take Makayla to her room. Danielle can you bring some ice for me?” Liam placed his hands on my shoulders and guided me to my room.

“You okay princess?” Liam asked ushering me to the bed.

“Y-yeah. Li, I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything.”

“I-I don’t want to be the cause of One Direction breaking up. Don’t quit the band. If you want me to I’ll go back home earlier if you want me to.”

"Hey the band isn’t going to end because of this, okay? I don’t want you to leave me just yet. We don’t spend as much time together because I’m on tour or you’re at school. The summer is really all we have to spend more than 2 weeks together.”

“Well on the bright side, you’re always free on my birthday.”

“And oddly and sadly it’s Louis’ birthday too. Look at me. Nothing you or anyone can do will never ever break up the band.”

“Then don’t kill Zayn, that wouldn’t help anything, it’ll be harder to visit you in jail. I love you Liam, you’re the best big brother ever.” I hugged Liam as if I was never going to see him again.

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