Maybe Love Isn't All That Bad

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So, Jaden and I have been talking.

What??? I know.

I'm thinking that maybe this time I'll give him a chance.

His intentions seem good, so we shall see.

Right now, we're at Starbucks.

I convinced him to take me, the plan for today is shopping.

"What you want, Sy?," he asked.

"Caramel frappuchino," I said.

"What size?"

"The big one" I said.

"Damn bae cleaning me out," he asked.

"Well, that's just too bad." I said sarcastically.

"You worth it though," he said, looking at my ass.

"Haha, yepppp."

We got our drinks and got in his car.

It was a Porsche, yea my baby got them stacks. *pops imaginary collar*

We got to the mall and as soon as we got there, these groupies came up to us. Asking for autographs, shooting me stank looks. Like, bitch yes???!!

Ugh, these hoes.

Ths look like it's gonna be a looooonng day.

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