Pain, Fear, Heartbreak

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(To deevon, salamat sa quote.)

To start, I would like to tell you Three words-PAIN, FEAR, HEARTBREAK. Three words that we think is hard to conquer and understand. It may also be a discouragement in our lives but we should think positive, that these three words can be encouraging and an advantage in our lives.

First, Pain. Pain is what we feel when we're hurt. Yes, that's what we feel. Without pain, we wouldn't know how to stand again, to live again. If undergo extreme emotional pain, sometimes, we think that we couldn't stand, but actually we can. We learn how to be strong inspite of everything we've gone through. So yeah, PAIN makes Us STRONGER.

FEAR, we fear many things. Sometimes,we fear to lose a thing, a special person, things, and more. We may fear many things but what does fear do?! It makes us brave-not just brave but braver. For example, we fear heights, but when you finally try it,it'll make you realize that it's not that scary. You fear dark places, but when you try staying there, you'll think that there's nothing to be afraid of. Most of us fear ghosts. Ghosts are not true especially when you believe in God. You'll realize that there's nothing to be afraid of. So it makes us braver.

Finally, Heartbreak. This thing discourages a lot of people. When you are heartbroken, you'll tell yourself sometimes to not love again cause if you do, the same thing might happen to you. We cannot eat,or sleep thinking that why would the person you love hurt you,right. We usually cry, because of the pain. But you know, it can make us wise. Wiser- to make decisions in your life. You'll be wiser to choose a person or thing that will make you happy and will not hurt you. I admit it's hard but we need to continue with our life even though, things are there causing you to be like that. Heartbreak? Did you experience this? Well, now learn to stand again but now stronger. This is what happened to me(according to the story).

I fear that I might lost a special person but I learn to let go even though we're not in a relationship(ganun kalakas ang tama). The pain I felt when I let go of that special person but I finally learn to stand strong in spite of what happened. Of course I am heartbroken, but I moved on and I don't want them thinking that I own that person even though Hindi naman. So yeah, I learned to be strong,brave,and wise.

I hope this helped you. Thank you.

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