Jane looked at Maura. "We will make great parents." Jane smiled as she leaned over and kissed Maura. 

"I will see you back here in a month to check on how they are doing and also see if you want to know the sex." Dr. Robbins said. 

Pulling down her shirt Maura stood up.

"Thanks Dr. Robbins." Maura said.

"You're welcome. If anything changes just come in right away. With twins there is a higher chance of complications preeclampsia, low birth weight, preterm delivery, IUGR, gestational diabetes, placental abruption, fetal demise and cesarean. That's why we need to monitor you closely and if anything changes from the way your pee smells to your cravings you need to let me know." Dr. Robbins said.

"I will make sure of that." Jane reassured Dr. Robbins.

"Good." Dr. Robbins smiled. 

Leaving Dr. Robbins office Jane and Maura went to look for Evan. Sure enough he was hanging over some woman. Frowning Maura stopped. 

"I can't tell him." Maura said.

"I know it's going to be hard but you got to tell him." Jane said. "If you don't it could be worse in the long run."

"Like I told you I'm here every step of the way. I won't let anything happen. I love you Maura and those babies I love them as well. They are apart of you. I may not be the father, though I wish I could be instead of that douche." Jane said.

Maura laughed. "I wish you could be too."

Maura walked up to Evan as Jane stood behind her. "Can we go somewhere and talk?" Maura asked Evan.

Evan started at Jane and frowned. "Without her yeah we can." Evan snarled.

"No she's going to be with me to make sure you don't do anything stupid." Maura said.

"Fine. Follow me." Evan groaned.

Walking down the hallway Maura followed Evan. She was getting more nervous. Jane reached up and grabbed Maura's hand trying to ease her mind. She wanted Maura to know that she was there for her. Evan walked into the doctor's lounge. Shutting the door her turned to face Maura and Jane.

"So what's going on?" Evan asked.

Maura swallowed. "I just found out that...." Maura stopped she couldn't tell him.

"You just found out what?" Evan asked. "What the hell is going on?"

"I just found out that I'm pregnant." Maura spoke softly.

"Your what?" Evan asked.

"She's pregnant." Jane chimed in.

"With my babies?" Evan questioned.

"No mine." Jane said. "Of course with your babies. Are you that much of an ass hat?" Jane asked.

"Shut up you fucking dyke!" Evan frowned. "How could this have happened?" 

"It happens when a penis goes into a vagina." Jane started.

Maura glanced at her. 

Jane stopped and mouthed I'm sorry.

"Look I was as shocked as you were." Maura said.

"Are you terminating it?" Evan asked.

Maura frowned. "Seriously your asking if I'm terminating our children?"

"Wait. Children? As in more than one?" Evan asked.

"Yes more than one!" Maura raised her voice. "I'm not terminating anything. It's my body and these children are growing within me. I don't believe in abortion and you fucking know that. I can't believe you would say something like that. I'm not asking you to be apart of their lives. I'm just letting you know out of respect that you are going to be a father." 

Jane frowned. She hated seeing Maura hurt and she wanted nothing more than to punch Evan in his face. She knew she couldn't do that. She hated Evan for the way he treated Maura and she hated him even more than ever now.

"I will be sure to make sure I see my kids if your keeping them. As they are apart of me!" Evan raised his voice.

"You pretty much asked if I was aborting them? Yeah and the father of the year award goes too...." Maura started. "Look I'm not asking you to be a part of their lives. They will have enough love from Jane and I. I can't allow you to be near them if your going to continue to be an asshole towards Jane and I. I didn't even what to tell you that I was pregnant. Jane convinced me to know. That you had the right to know since you are the babies father."

Evan looked down. "You will be hearing from my lawyer." 

"What the hell is that to mean?" Maura asked.

"You will see." Evan said as he left slamming the door behind him.

Frowning Maura looked at Jane and pulled her into her arms. 

"It's going to be okay." Jane said.

"I hope so." Maura said.

Maura pulled away. "I should probably get to work. I will see you on my break." Maura said.

"Sounds good." Jane smiled.

Jane watched as Maura walked down the hall. She would do anything to protect Maura and that's just what she was going to do.

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