Part 2

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I tumbled out of the fire place at the burrow sweeping the ash off of my 'S' jumper Mrs Weasley had made me the previous Christmas.

" Shauna!" I heard two voices cry. I turned around and saw Fred and George smiling at me.

" Hey boys!" I shouted throwing my arms around them to which they quickly responded by wrapping their arms around me.

" We missed you!" George said,

" Well George more tha-OW!" Fred began but was interrupted by George elbowing him in the side.

" C'mon everyone dinner's on the table!" Mrs Weasley shouted from the kitchen. Then just like that the boys were gone. I swear they would do anything for food.

" Hello Mrs Weasley," I said as I entered the kitchen.

" Oh hello Shauna dear!" Mrs Weasley started enthusiastically "I thought I heard you these boys have no manners." She sighed. Causing myself, Fred and George to chuckle.

" Don't worry after three years I'm used to it,"

" Hey!" I giggled and sat down in between Fred and George.

" Oh hey Shauna!" Ron said as he came into the kitchen.

" Hey Ron, you looking forward to your first year at Hogwarts." I asked.

" W-w-well I'm actually quite nervous. Fred said that to sort us into our houses they make us sing in front of everyone and we're sorted based on how well we did and then George said that if we didn't pass our first year examinations then we weren't allowed to come back again!" Ron exclaimed causing Fred and George to burst out laughing.

" Ron, dear, sweet, gullible Ron first of all if the sorting ceremony really did depend on singing do you think Fred and George would be in a great house like Gryffindor they'd be Hufflepuff at best. Also do you think they'd still be at Hogwarts if it depended on their first year exams? Anyway what really happens is they make you run an assault course in front of everyone and they place you depending on your attitude towards it." After I said that Ron let out a small whimper and Fred and George erupted into a fresh wave of laughter.

" Enough scaring poor Ron children. Now eat up." Mrs Weasley said. We all chuckled and started eating.

" Shauna you're here thank goodness these boys are driving me crazy!" Ginny shouted from the stairs and I got up to meet her.

" Hey Ginny!" I said as I wrapped her in a hug.

" It's a nightmare having to put up with this herd of boys everyday. I don't know how you put up with Fred and George."

" Hey! Were not that bad!" The twins called simultaneously. We shared a couple of laughs over dinner. After we finished dinner we went up to the twins bedroom to plot some pranks. Once we got there, there was three beds and my stuff had been brought up.

" Looks like you're staying in here Shauna!" The twins cheered.

" Yes well observed boys," I giggled, " now are we plotting a prank for Snape or painting our nails ladies?" I called like an army commander.

" Pranking ma'am!" They replied doing mock salutes.

" Okay so, I got a few ideas down while I was at home. We could slip him a weak love potion that will make him fall for Professor McGonagall then whilst he's out fawning over her we can sneak into his office and set up some dungbombs in his office. Just as a start up to the year nothing to flashy." I told them and they sat there grinning at each other.

Later that week we were all off to get our Hogwarts stuff. I told Fred and George to go and get some stuff from Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop whilst I got the ingredients for our love potion but first I made an extra stop at Gringotts. You see as I inherited the Black family vault ever since I became friends with the Weasleys in first year I would put money in the Weasleys vault. They would often discuss where the money was coming from but I would never say as I couldn't bare the attention and Mr and Mrs Weasley would be adamant to return it. Anyway after my stop at Gringotts I then went to Slug & Jiggers Apothecary to get the potion ingredients.

" Hello can I help you?" The shop assistant asked kindly. After being to some muggle shops I always find that people working in shops for witches and wizards are often friendlier.

" Why yes. I'm looking for some Ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint and moonstone please." I requested.

" Sounds like a love potion." The shop assistant said with a smile.

" Yes well me and my friends are only making a weak one. We're pranking a professor." I giggled.

" I don't suppose your a Hogwarts student are you?" She asked.

" Yes! How could you tell?"

" We often get Professor Snape in here stocking up. He tends to complain about a certain pair of twins and their female accomplice." She chuckled,

" trust me I am no ones accomplice." Then we both started laughing. She handed me my ingredients after I gave her the money and I left to find the boys.

" FRED, GEORGE!" I called.

" SHAUNA!" They replied. " You got the ingredients?"

" Yep all here. You got the pranking stuff?"

" Of course!"

" We're all set then!" I said excitedly.

" Okay everyone lets head to Gringotts to get some money then we'll get your school stuff." Mrs Weasley said. " Shauna do you need to visit your vault?"

" No I got my money with Remus before I came." I lied.

" Okay dear, you all wait here we'll be back in a bit." and with that Mr and Mrs Weasley went into Gringotts. About ten minuets later they both came out again looking quite confused.

" What's wrong mum?" Fred asked.

" It's happened again George." Mrs Weasley replied,

" Fred!" Fred muttered.

" Oh sorry dear. Anyway more money has been put in the vault and the goblins still aren't telling us who it is." Mrs Weasley. You see I was on very good terms with the goblins. Either that or they got scared when I told them I was a Black so they just did as I asked when I told them not to tell the Weasleys who put the money in their vault.

" I'm just confused as to who would put money into our vault." Mr Weasley said.

" How much was it this time?" Ron asked.

" 500 galleons." Mr Weasley said in disbelief.

" What?!" All five of the present Weasley children exclaimed.

Once we had finished getting our school stuff from Diagon Alley we went back to the Burrow. Myself, Fred and George raced straight to their bedroom to make the love potion.

" Okay boys get out your potions books and I'll get the cauldron ready!" I cheered enthusiastically,

" Yes ma'am!" Soon enough we had everything ready and soon began making the potion.

" Okay, I bought extra ingredients just in case we mess up." I said,

" C'mon Shauna it's you. You can do this in one try!" George claimed,

" Well with you two here to distract, oh no I'm sorry I mean 'help' me, I'm not so sure."

" We're insulted by that!" They both said with mocking hurt. After a couple of hours we had finally done it. Our potion was complete. It took a few tries but it was worth it.

" Well thank Godric for that!" Fred said.

" This prank is going to be brilliant!" George added,

" We should keep the potion and our pranking stuff in Shauna's trunk because mum will probably search ours like last year. Mind you at least we'll be able to easily restock at Zonkos. It's our first Hogsmeade trip this year!" Fred said excitedly.

" Well first legal visit," George and I muttered causing us all burst out laughing. I loved spending time with these boys. I could spend eternity with the pair of them and I would be the happiest person alive. The three of us, together till the very end.

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