Chapter 5

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Okay hi guys sorry I haven’t really written in a couple of days because my computer broke and you know that moment when it’s kind of a mini apocalypse yeah that occurred so sorry but I was dealing with life and death for a while but I’m back – shit computer but back none the less. Now I want to apologise in advance because I’ve never been kissed in my life so despite this being fun it’s also super nerve wrecking so please don’t hate me L Also I’ve been seeing the doctor a lot so things have gotten a bit hectic as well as sorting out some other stuff so I’ve kind of been putting this off a bit and I don’t know if I can update as regularly as I hoped but we shall see

Heat splashed against my skin. He was so rough. Animalistic.

His body pressed impossibly close to mine allowing me to feel his toned muscles merging with mine contrasted with the hard cold stone. The cold left my body however as his arms pulled my hips to his and tangled his hand into my hair pulling my head back exposing my neck. I was a rollercoaster of desire. He licked and nibbled my neck. My hands tangled in his hair urging him to stop playing. He continued however teasing me until I let out a frustrated growl. He only worsened my desire by smirking the prick.

I was too heated. My hands moved his face and smashed his lips into mine. He didn’t seem to complain he wanted this. I wanted this. His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for permission. It was my turn to tease instead I smiled. His wolf growl only amplified this feeling. He began nibbling on my lip until I open my mouth. Our tongues fighting for dominance. His hands roamed my body pulling me even closer if that was possible.

Our moment was suddenly broken when Lucas’ voice echoed through the halls. Cold water had practically been thrown at me as all the heat left. I quickly pushed Colton away. He seemed shocked but quickly disguised it with that annoying smirk.

“Who knew a cold hearted vampire could become so hot” he chuckled.

“Listen you that’s not to happen ever again what the hell are you playing?! What if my brother ha-“

“Your brother had what? Seen the ever calm sister getting frisky with a werewolf? It shouldn’t matter. We are allies aren’t we?” He stepped towards me as I pressed as close to the wall as I could. “We are equals aren’t we?” His breath fanned my face. My mind racing on what if Lucas caught us? My body didn’t share the same perspective and was again heating up. His dark forest eyes staring into mine like they depended on it. “We are gonna be working together aren’t we?” his head titled to the side.

“Y-yeah but that’s business.” Now I’m back to stuttering the joys NOT.

“Ha ha I think working together we’ll get plenty of ‘business’ done”.  He then turned round and walked back to the dining hall

I was dazed.  My breathing was out of control all because of him. I glared at his back hoping that just maybe lasers would burn him.

Unfortunately my fantasy was cut short as my brother appeared round the corner.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!” Well he seems calm. “PANDORA WHAT HAPPENED? You just ran out of there its not like you. Is something wrong? Shall I fetch a doctor?” he held my arms gazing at me so caring. I couldn’t stand the sight of it.


“Lucas I’m just not feeling too good okay? I guess it’s the heat and smell”

“I see you do seem a bit heated shall I ask for someone?”

“No just… just take me home okay. I can’t deal with the stench of dog any longer”

He laughed and let go of me finally looking relieved. “Thank God I thought it was just me. Alright let me just let some guys know and then we’ll be off okay?”


He disappeared back into the hall. I already know my dad won’t be impressed however I can deal with that later it seems I’ve got a more pressing issue at hand.

Why did he kiss me? What business? Is he playing a sick joke? Why did I kiss him back? Did I like it? What’s gonna happen now?

“Hey you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine lets just go”


As we journeyed home the ride was silent something I was deeply grateful for. I could tell Lucas knew something was wrong but he didn’t push me something he never does. We sped past the scenery and ordinary people going about their simple lives – how annoying. What problems do they have?

The ride ended quicky and I dashed to get inside but Lucas grabbed my hand.

“Yes Lucas?”

“Look something’s bothering me so I’m just gonna say it okay?”


“Did something happen between you and Colton?”

I was still. What should I say? I can’t tell him the truth that would awful. But I cant lie to him hes my brother. Ah inner turmoil!

“What did he do?” he said venomously. His eyes had turned reddish black showing his powers were taking over.

“Look can we discuss this later I’m really not up to it” He scanned my face and seemed to calm down and turn back to normal.

“Fine but this isn’t over”


And with that I went straight into my room and crashed on my bed. This day has been way too stressful.

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