I Hope They Serve Whiskey In Hell

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It was a Friday night around 11pm, Derek was supposed to be spending it alone, he was just about to finish the last sip of his third and (he promised himself) final glass of Jack Daniels before going to bed, that was until Stiles showed up at his door.

"Stiles" Derek raised an eyebrow "what do you want, has something happened?"

"Not the most polite way to greet somebody but hey Derek, I'm fine thanks for asking" Stiles let himself into the large loft apartment and sat himself down on the brown uncomfy sofa. Derek made his way over to him, staring in bewilderment. "I thought we could have a girly night ya'know paint each others nails, tell secrets..." the younger male began mimicking an average thirteen year old girl "okay so let's talk about boys, isn't Scotty just a babe!" 

"Enough, why are you really here, Stiles?" Derek asked anxiously, he figured the boy wouldn't intrude his apartment if it wasn't serious, they only ever really talk when they're in trouble and you know... casually fighting for their lives.

"Alright, my car broke down about a mile away from here, the insurance company said they can't come pick it up till morning and you were the nearest place I could walk my way too" Derek was slightly relieved but he wasn't comfortable with Stiles just hanging around his apartment, they're not really the closet of friends as you can probably tell.

"Couldn't you have walked home, or called your dad?"

"Walked home!?" Stiles repeated with a fake terrified expression plastered on his face "Derek don't you know there are werewolves out there!" he joked (well not really) he waited for a smile, a chuckle, a giggle, anything and then he realised he was talking to Derek Hale, the only sign of affection you may receive from this man, was a hit around the face. Stiles sighed "and as for my dad, he's out of town, so can you give me a ride back or?"

"Yeah fine" Derek went to grab his keys and made his way to the door with Stiles following behind, suddenly he remembered something "oh shit"

"What?" Derek turned to look back at a confused Stiles

"I can't drive, I've been drinking" Derek admitted

"Well then, uh... what should I do?"

"I guess..." Derek really wondered why he was allowing this, he's become so much nicer lately "I guess, you can stay on the couch, one night though and if you end up bugging me then you're sleeping in the hallway" Stiles nodded in agreement. Once Derek had sorted out the sofa for Stiles, (given him a blanket and pillows) he got himself into bed and tried to sleep, Stiles had other ideas though.

"Okay so let's look at Derek's movie collection" he bent down toward the stack of dvds piled up next to the TV.

"crap, old, black and white old, 90's, 90's, more 90's, wow this guy sure loves his 90's"

"What are you doing?" A sleepy looking Derek peered over the high schooler's shoulder

"Hey" Stiles looked up, once he realised the guy was shirtless and only in sweatpants he tried to restrict himself from gazing at his really, really, REALLY nice torso "Uh, have you seen that movie with uhm Robert Pattinson and what's her name? Kristen Stewart!" His attention turned back to the dvds.

"You mean Twilight?" Derek really didn't get this kid, at all.

"Yeah that's the one! Is it any good?"

"It's about a prissy teen girl who thinks she's alternative and special because she's paler than everyone else, she meets a vampire, she also meets a werewolf, falls in love with both of them... do you want me to stop yet?"

I Hope They Serve Whiskey In Hell (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now