I Thought You'd Never Ask!

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Ari's P.O.V.

It had been a month since I moved to UCLA. October had rolled around so soon, I couldn't believe how fast time was flying. My classes were going well. Surprisingly, I enjoyed all of them, well except for Math that is. 

Things with Jake were going better than I had ever imagined they could. After we hung out a second time, I knew there was something there. Yeah, I know, it was only the second time I hung out with the kid, but sometimes you just know when it feels right. And he definitely felt right. Call me crazy, but I had a feeling he felt the same way too. I mean, we hung out almost every day! And if we weren't hanging out, we were texting each other, or talking on the phone. He never mentioned any girls, and didn't hesitate to flirt with me. This had to be something more than a friendship, and I was pretty much just waiting for him to make a move. The waiting really got to me at times though, and sometimes I doubted whether he would ever make a move. I guess I would just have to see.

When I wasn't with Jake, which was quite a bit of time believe it or not, I was with Sienna. That first day we met, I would've never guessed that we would become such good friends. Hell, she was my best friend here. After our quarrel that first night, her attitude towards me changed. She was still the same cocky, outspoken, notorious player I had met the first day, but she had definitely matured. She was more respectful of my feelings, and showed this by rarely bringing girls to the room, and warning me on the occasions when she did. She also began to act more like a friend by giving me advice, confiding in me, and just always being there for me. She even let me borrow her clothes now! We always had a good time, making each other laugh, and just enjoying the college experience together. She was the greatest friend anyone could ever have, and all the shit that happened the first night was worth it to get to where we were now. 

"Seriously Sienna? You're really not going to start the humanities reading?" I asked, admonishment in my voice.

It was Friday, but that didn't mean that our homework load was any lighter. Being the responsible young adult I was, or "dork" as Sienna called it, I had created a homework schedule for myself. Today, I would get my humanities reading done. I was lying on my bed, stomach down, and flipping to the assigned chapter. This was pretty much the only thing I hated about college- all the reading we had to do! Sure, I loved to read, but only stuff I was actually interested in.

"Homework is meant to be done at the last possible moment," said Sienna with a smirk.

She was at her desk on her macbook, scrolling through the numerous friend requests she had gotten on facebook. They consisted of girls she had met, girls she had messed around with, and girls who had heard of her. Bottom line, they were all from girls who were interested in her. The girl was a total pimp. 

"You're going to start failing your classes eventually you know," I said, but I wasn't quite sure.

Sienna was actually quite brilliant. She was passing all her classes with B's even though she half assed her homework, and barely studied for test. If she put a little more effort into academics, there was no way she couldn't get straight A's.

"What ever," she said, rolling her eyes.

I chuckled and then began to read, wishing I was doing anything else, like talking to Jake. To my dismay, we hadn't gotten a chance to speak much today, but he had promised to text me later. My phone lay by my said, and I was waiting for the moment it vibrated.

"What do you think of her?" asked Sienna, lifting her macbook and holding it towards me so I could see the screen.

"She's hot, but definitely a shank," I said, shaking my head in disapproval.

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