Chapter 1

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I sat down next to the elderly patient.
"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked gently, softly taking her hand in mine. She sent me a weak smile.
"I'm ready, a priest came around a couple days ago. I don't hurt anymore, I just feel tired, so tired." Her eyes drooped and her hand stopped squeezing mine. I smiled.
"I'm glad you aren't scared anymore, May, I'll let you rest. I'll come around tomorrow so keep your day open."
"Don't worry about that." She said her eyes closing and her breaths becoming soft. I pulled my hand from hers carefully as to not wake her. I walked out of the room after dimming the lights and putting a blanket on her legs. I closed the door silently walking into the bright white hallways. Walking to my files of who was next on my list I turned and jumped, seeing another nurse named heather.
"Hello Heather." I said politely, Heather and I didn't see eye to eye about how patients should be treated.
"You weren't scheduled to see the old granny, she doesn't need daily checkups anymore. She's on the road out. It's a waste of time frankly." I sighed trying to think of the best way to explain my actions.
"Maybe patients don't request you because you can't even waste time on a hello. Give me a break Heather I was on lunch break I ate then went and talked to May, if you see the clock I'm still perfectly on time." I said trying to not let my irritation seep into my voice.
"Well if you had extra time for lunch maybe you should have just gone back to work. I mean when there are still so many people, trying to squeeze in time for someone who doesn't even matter or need help, it's a waste of good time! Even her son stopped coming months ago."
I sighed deciding no matter what I say she'll have another comeback and to shut up.
Another nurse walked up looking at me with sympathetic eyes, I smiled widely seeing her. I walked forward hugging her, Rema has been my best friend since high school.
"Save me" I whispered jokingly.
"Heather stop picking on Cameron, what he does in his own time shouldn't matter to you." Heather opened her mouth to make another sly remark but Rema sent her a look that we called "The Medusa". Heather paled and froze in place. I'll say I felt a little guilty that I smiled. I pulled out my next patient file groaning at who it was. He was a pervert who only ever came here to feel up the nurses, male or female.
As if on time a page went off on my pager.
Nurse Cameron Fox to ER
I cheered happily handing the file to Rema.
"Be a doll and give that to Heather." She sent me a smirk.
"Immediately nurse Cameron."
She hurried off, and I ran towards the ER, running toward the person they obviously needed help with, I winced. Other than a bullet in his gut this guy was seriously beaten up. The only reason they had called me here was because this was officially my last three months of being a nurse, in three months I would have the qualifications to be a full-fledged doctor. This was letting me legally dip my toes in the water. I helped the doctor clean, stitch and bandage the bullet hole which had been a through and through. After getting him off the critical stage I wiped my brow of the nervous sweat. With that being done I walked slowly back to my station just as someone put another file in. I sighed but picked it up seeing as it was at the front. I looked at the file seeing it was the guy I had just worked on. Hmm, Weston? Interesting. I closed the file walking into his room, I looked up to see he was sleeping. I looked at his chart. He was on some pretty heavy pain pills and sedatives. I smiled at him even if he couldn't see.
"Don't worry Weston, I'll make you better you'll see." I grabbed his hand squeezing it, his hand flexed in mine. I chuckled and got to cleaning and treating his wounds. The nurses and doctors passing by whispered amongst themselves and sent me pitiful looks. I payed no attention to them, I spent my time looking at all his wounds old and new. Scars littered his body and he himself screamed trouble. After a little bit of cleaning and treating his wounds finally one of the whisperers came forward.
"Don't get to close Cameron, he is only trouble." After her one after another came and told me he was dangerous to be around. I rolled my eyes, he can't be that bad I can tell he isn't exactly winning any fights. I looked at him and something felt off, what is off? Then it clicked he was covered in dirt and grime. Might be he's homeless. Kind of sad, he only looks like he's in his early twenties.
It's decided he needs a bath. After getting permission I grabbed a large tub and filled it up. I had done this a few times for May so I knew how to do it. I tested the water making sure it was warm. I picked up Weston and almost collapsed from his weight, he wasn't fat he was more buff but still he was heavy. I put him into the tub making sure he didn't go under the water. I grabbed a sponge washing his skin clean. The tub was brown as I cleaned him. I massaged his scalp as I dug my hair through the dark mats. It was luckily only matted with mud. I shampooed and conditioned his hair and cleaned every crook except one. How should I go about this? It could get infected if it was dirty. Usually May did that for her self. I decided if his health was at risk I would just have to deal with the embarrassment. I dipped the soapy sponge into the tub washing him, after cleaning him throughly I pulled him out of the tub, drying him off and putting the hospital clothes on him. I grabbed a towel taking extra time drying his hair.
"Wow you actually look pretty good when you're clean." I said. I ran my fingers through his hair. "Maybe when you wake up I can give you a free haircut, my mom taught me to cut hair." I said knowing he could hear me and although he maybe couldn't process what I was saying maybe hearing a comforting voice would be enough to keep him from being lonely. "I hope your feeling better it's actually around time to give you some more pain medication in your iv." I stood up grabbing a small bottle of what they say he needed on his chart. I pulled out a syringe and injected the cocktail of drugs into his iv. I smiled as I sat down next to him. I took his hand squeezing it. "You'll be okay, no matter how much it hurts I'll make you feel better."
I felt his hand flex in mine again.
"I knew it you can hear me." I said, I sighed looking away sadly, "Nobody has come to see you. If you don't have anyone, you can alway come see me. I might not always be available or the best company but if you need a friend I could be that friend." I got up and combed his hair out of his face. "Good night, Weston."

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