Painful Desires

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He must hold back.
He would be displeased.
For one mans actions can torture a thousand souls, can abandon a million more.
Dead white eyes and sharp silver glimpses of glitter touch his vision.
He blinks, once, twice, three times.
Where is he? Has he died?
I wonder, you wonder, he wonders.
Does a night wanderer really need explanation for his strange desires?
Maybe not, perhaps so. Who was she to tell?
This is not a love story.
In fact, no paths are crossed.
No, he decides. This is his journey.
His legacy, what he has left behind.
What has he left behind?
A faint yellow slipper, a small rubber doll...
What can he leave behind? Words of wisdom, looks of despair?
What use is he, what can you do with a corpse like this?
If only he could have known.

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