I had to tell her. Sidney had Nicole in a position of trust, and she needed to know Nicole didn't deserve it.

Now I just had to decide how to bring it up. I was weighing my options outside the door of the VIP suite when Sid walked out. Tonight she wore a Flyers blue sweater, black pants and Flyers blue heels. Her conservative style was becoming a huge turn-on for me. The world didn't get to see her body. But I'd seen parts of it, and Christ, did I want to see more.

"Great job tonight," she said, smiling. "This went better than I could have hoped for."

"It was fun." I took a deep breath and dove in. "Hey, can we talk in private for a second? Won't take long."

I could tell she was wondering if 'talk' was code for 'fuck around'. Even though it wasn't, the thought of being alone with her was appealing. An image of her standing in her office, tits wet from my mouth, sprang into my mind.

How the hell had I managed to keep my hands in my pockets yesterday? I'd make no such promises if I got her alone tonight.


I paused for a second, wondering if I could trust myself to be alone with him. But the look on his face told me this was an actual thing, not just an attempt to continue what we'd started in my office.

"Sure." I followed him down the hall and around a corner to a quiet, empty spot.

"Let's step in here, actually," he said, opening a door and reaching around for a light switch. "I don't want anyone to overhear."

It was a supply room. Boxes labeled 'toilet paper' and 'hand soap' were stacked neatly on shelves, and brooms, towels and other cleaning supplies were organized against the back wall.

"What's up?" I asked, my curiosity bordering on concern.

Killian blew out a breath and I could tell that whatever it was, he didn't like it.

"Nicole made a pass at me."

A knot of tense anger balled in my stomach. It didn't surprise me. Her outfit was probably part of the plan she'd formed to seduce him tonight. But the flare of jealousy it brought on didn't feel like that of a disappointed boss. More like a scorned girlfriend, which I was not.

"Did anything happen?" I asked.

Killian lowered his brows and glared at me. "You have to ask me that? Of course not, Sid."

I rubbed my forehead. My issues with Nicole were now more than just an annoyance.

"I have ongoing problems with her," I admitted. "She's a lousy assistant. Her attitude's bad and she's lazy. I've told her there's zero tolerance for fraternization with the players."

"I'm really surprised you'd put up with this. Why don't you fire her?"

I wrapped a hand around the back of my neck and stared up at the ceiling.

"It's a hard situation because she's the daughter of someone very dear to me. A college professor who believed in me when no one else did. I'm indebted to Jane, and giving her daughter a job when she needed one was the easiest decision I've ever made."

"Yeah, but you've got a right to expect her to do the job well."

"I know," I said, my tone sharper than I'd intended. "Sorry. I'm not upset at you at all. Having someone like her on my staff is about as un-Sidney Stahl as it gets. I'm just frustrated."

Killian put a hand on my shoulder and turned me around gently. His hands replaced my own on my neck, and he pressed his thumbs in circular motions that eased away the tension there.

"God, that feels good," I said softly.

His low 'hmm' was a cross between satisfied and hungry.

"I'm writing her up," I said, trying to stay focused on our conversation. "For the outfit. Do you want me to keep what you told me just between us?"

"No, I don't care if she knows I told you."

His hands were on my shoulders now, working magic that made me sure I'd melt into a puddle any moment.

"Did she touch you?" I asked.

"No. We were a good ten feet apart when it happened. But she made her intentions very clear."

"What is wrong with her? I'm so lax with her but she won't even follow the few rules I do set."

My annoyance with Nicole was sabotaged by Killian's massage, which was relaxing me whether I wanted it or not.

"I just want you to be careful," he said. "Everyone else around here who works for you is loyal. Barb and Keri would walk through fire for you. Orion's a big fan, too. But Nicole doesn't have your back."

I nodded slightly, his words sinking in. "That's more of a problem than her wanting to screw one of my players," I said softly.

"Yep. But nothing you can't handle."

His faith in me erased the last shred of stress.

"You were quite the ladies' man tonight, Captain," I said. "I thought that teenager was about to go Girls Gone Wild on you."

He grunted dismissively and leaned his face down to my ear.

"I didn't get any attention from the one woman I wanted it from," he said. His words sent a shiver of arousal through me from head to toe.

"You've got my attention now."

"So I do. And what am I gonna do with it?"

He slid my hair over one shoulder, his lips brushing across my exposed neck. The scruff on his face against my skin made me tingly.

Right or wrong, I wasn't capable of stopping this. It was too blissful. In these moments with him, I wasn't a take-charge multi-millionaire entrepreneur. I was a woman being brought to life by a man who made me helpless as I whimpered with pleasure.

Only he could make it better. Satisfying this ache was outside my control. And knowing I could trust him to take care of me this way felt better than I'd ever thought possible.

I turned around and wrapped my hands around his neck, sliding my hands into his short hair. His arm wound around my back to brace the impact when he shoved me against a concrete block wall.

His mouth demanded mine, the kiss hard and hot. I wrapped one leg around his hips, needing to feel his hard lines against my softer ones.

I couldn't read the low growl in his throat – arousal or frustration? When he moved back, his eyes were dark and his expression was almost feral. He looked as out of control as I felt.

His hands went to the button on my pants and he opened them, grabbing the sides and jerking them down. A rush of realization told me he'd taken my panties down, too. He dropped to his knees and a hot sense of longing filled my veins.

"We both need this, Sid." He looked up at me and our eyes locked. I nodded slightly and wound my fingers back into his hair, slowly pushing his face between my thighs.

"You sexy fucking girl." His breath grazed my skin right before his tongue parted me open. I put my arm over my mouth, moaning into the fabric of my sweater to muffle the sound.

His mouth licked me hungrily, as if he couldn't get enough. It was deep and hot and so damn good. I slipped one heel off and wiggled my leg out of the pants on that side, freeing my leg so I could put it on his shoulder, giving him better access.

"Sidney ... fuck." He wrapped a hand around my hip and pressed me against the wall, his tongue circling my clit now.

I dug my nails into his scalp and closed my eyes. I'd almost reached the point of no return. But why would anyone want to return, anyway? I'd never felt sexier, and this was going to be the best orgasm of my life. It was rising fast and hard and I was dying to give in to it.

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