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  • Dedicated to My fans who have been waiting for this <3

A/n: AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!  You like so far?  I think so!  I am getting to the point where I haven't planned what's going to happen next.  So... things are getting intense!  Haha!

Blair Way <3


POV Blair

Dawwww... Gerard Way just said I was beautiful!  I'm also his daughter!  How cute!

That sunk in eventually.

"DAUGHTER?!  WAIT!  YOU GUYS-?!" I looked wildly between...my parents.  My parents.  Wow.

Gerard Arthur Way is my dad.  Whoa.

I had always thought I was like each member in different ways.  I had those akward knees like Mikey, had a fondness for tattoos and piecings like Frank, had a fro like Ray, and was afraid of needles like Gerard.  But I had the most physical similarities with the Way brothers.  The brown hair, the hazel eyes (also shared with Frank), and the light skin made people joke that he could be my brother.  I think the only reason people avoided joking that he could be my father was that I didn't know who my dad was.

Do I have to stop saying Oh my Gerard now?

Mikey Way is my uncle.

And then the next part.

That akward moment when you realise that you have had a serial crush on your dad for years.

Time was frozen.  I wanted to leave yet I wanted to stay.  I could just pretend this never happened, give them my fan art, get hugs, then go to my front row seats.

Yeah.  That sounded like a good idea.  But I wouldn't be able to pretend that this never happened.

I hugged them all, Gerard last.  I was crying even harder now.

"Dad," I sobbed.  We hugged for what seemed like forever. I didn't want to let him go now that I knew him.  I didn't want to lose my dad.

"It's time for the show," he whispered. "Stay?"

"Of course."

I let go of my dad and wiped the tears from my face.

I  begged my mom to let me stay for the concert, and she gave in.  MCR was still my favorite band, even if the lead singer was my dad.

Dad. Wow.

Not my boyfriend, not my brother.  My dad.

We reached our front row seats just as a BL/ind agent appeared on the screen and began speaking Japanese.  The crowd began to scream and started a countdown.  I joined in, but my mind was still racing.

Then My Chemical Romance walked onstage.

Gerard's eyes scanned the crowd and found mine.

"Give it your all," I mouthed and nodded.  He nodded back at me and smiled.


I was going to make this chapter longer, but knowing you guise have been waiting FOREVER for an update, it's just going to be Frank-sized. Sorry! School is taking up all of my time and stuff so yeah... I'm trying. <3

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