Latin Night

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Mark groans in pain as he sprawls himself onto the floor, "I just slipped a disk," he says. You can hear the pain in his voice.

This is not good. Not only does Mark have the possibility of getting a serious back injury, but if he doesn't feel ready to dance by tonight, I'll have to perform the salsa with someone I've never danced with before!

While Mark gets sent to the hospital to get his back checked out, the producers tell me I'll most likely have to dance with another pro, Alan. "He'll learn the choreography quickly and then you'll be able to practice the dance with him."

"Alright," I say as I see a cute boy walking over to me who I recognize from the troupe.

"That's actually him right here!" the producer says backing away, "Good luck on your dance!"

"Thanks!" We call back at the same time.

"Jinx!" We cry out, again at the same time. We dissolve into giggles and Alan gives me a warm smile.

"I'm Alan, and as I'm sure the producer told you, I'll be dancing the salsa with you."

"I'm Paige, and I'm really nervous for tonight!" I say, both of us laughing again.

"It's okay, you'll do great." Alan says, "We just have to get to work!"

I teach Alan the choreography and we practice hard for the next two hours, then it's showtime.

"You'll do great, babe!" Alan says as he sees me getting nervous again. I mentally freak out. He called me babe!

Finally it's time to perform. We kill it, and I have so much fun. Plus, Alan is such a good dancer.

The judges give us a 24/30, the highest score of the night so far, and I realize how awesome it was of Alan to step in so last-minute and dance with me. In a sense, I'm glad Mark couldn't dance with me, because that meant Alan got to, but I still hope Mark gets better.

I look at Alan, looking adorable in his pink costume, all sweaty. I've found a new crush.

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