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Next day after Peyton's birthday


LucasScott took a photo of you (pic)

LucasScott took a photo of you (pic)

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LucasScott: I know I'm one day late. I still want to post this. For you guys who don't know who is that woman, it's my wife, Peyton Sawyer-Scott. I left her for 14 years. She's the best woman I could ask for. She's the one for me and I left her. She always will be there for our kids, Sawyer and Luke Jr. I'm grateful for my wife, Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer Scott. Have a wonderful 36th year, Peyton. I remembered many years ago, we fell in love and our love story is my favorite. I loved to saving you from many things like psycho, bullet in your leg, your dad's missing, and many more. Thanks for everything, Peyton. I still love you even if I left you and kids, Peyton. Happy birthday to my favorite woman! I hope you will continue your cheery, wild, fun, loving person and many more. Lucas. @PSawyer @SawyScott @LukeScottJr #PeytonSawyer #WorldBestMom

Mom, are you fine that dad posted the picture of you?

I'm fine with it. Thanks for asking, Sawy.

Oh ok, mom.

Knock on door

I will get it, kids.

Hey, Peyton.

Lucas Scott..

did you see my Instagram post?

Yes I did. Thanks, Lucas.

Great. Well can I enter?

Uh sure, Lucas.

(Looking at pictures)

Wow. I missed a lot, Peyton.

Yeah you did, Lucas.

I'm sorry, Peyton.


Hey Sawyer and Luke.

Lucas, what are you doing here?

I want to see my family, Peyton.

You left me and them. You didn't tell me why. You didn't love me anymore. I am more confident in myself and my family. I lost my love for you, Lucas.

Peyton.. I still love you. I do still cares about us. Please?

No, I can't. Luke, it's 14 years. We are married for 15 years. You refused to visit us until now. We went to visit you several times.

You only visited me one time, Peyton.

No I didn't. I visited you a lot but every time I went, I saw you kissing a woman. It breaks my heart so I stopped visiting.

I'm sorry, Peyton. I stopped dating other people. I just want to be seen with you that's all.

Lucas, I can't. (Crying)


Lucas, follow me.

Uh sure, Peyton.

Here's my bedroom. I bought every book you wrote mostly The Comet. I can't stop buying them. I tried to stop but I couldn't, Luke. (Crying harder)

(Starting to cry) I didn't know, Peyton. I'm so so so sorry, Peyton Elizabeth.

Don't say my middle name, Lucas. I hate you!

Peyton. I'm sorry.

Please leave!

Wait, Peyton. ---

Knock on door

I will get it, mom!

Hey Sawyer!

Hey Aunt Haley and Uncle Nathan! (Hugs)

What's that noise, Sawy?

Uh. It's mom and dad fighting.

Lucas is here?

Yeah he came and surprised us.

Oh. Is your mom okay?

I don't think so.

Ok. Should I go see them or not?

I don't know, aunt Haley.

Five minutes later

Lucas, follow me.

Haley and Nathan? Hey.

Hey Lucas. Peyton, come here.

Naley.. I can't do this. (Crying)

Peyton, it's okay. We are here for you. (Hug)

Thanks, Nathan and Hales.

Lucas, how dare you left them for 14 years then coming back.

I am really sorry, Hales and everyone.

Haley. Lucas, please leave.

I can't, Haley.

Betrayed by Lucas ScottWhere stories live. Discover now