Reuniting Part TWO

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Kols P.O.V.

I just now woke up. I looked around and seen that i was laying in a coffin. Ugh I'm so about to go kill Niklaus. The last thing i remember was going in a jewelry store to buy something for my girlfriend. It was our 900th year anniversary. I looked around my surroundings and seen Elijah with the rest of my siblings waking up. Looks like Niklaus daggered all of us except for Elijah. Elijah held his hand up to us motioning us not to talk or make a noise. He handed us all blood in some kind of bag. He whispered to us to drink it. I started to drink it but it was disgusting. I put the bag down and looked at Elijah. He explained to us that he was having a dinner party with Niklaus and they had guest. When he tells Niklaus that they forgot desert we were suppose to make an entrance. That's easy i guess. At least i get to torture Niklaus. Not even a minute later i heard Elijah say something about desert. So i came in the room.

"Kol" Niklaus said. He got frightened and backed up. He better be scared because I'm about to kill him.

"Longtime brother" i said while smiling. He kept backing up until he bumped into Finn.

"Finn don't" Klaus pleaded. Finn then stabbed a dagger through Klaus hand. Niklaus then turned and ran into Rebekah.

"Rebekah" he said. She then stabbed him in the stomach. He fell over and grunted.

"This is for our mother" she said. I then walked up to Niklaus and grabbed his hands and put them behind his back.

"You may go now. This is family business."Elijah told two boys that were in the room with us. Both of them looked around and then walked out the door.

" i like what you done with the new place nik" Rebekah said while picking up a vase and throwing it at the wall that had some painting on it.

"I wanted it to be for all of us" Nik said." A place we could all call home. A place we could all be a family. None of us would never have to be alone again."

" Well your right none of us will be" Elijah said.

"Your staying behind" Finn said.

"Were leaving you Nik." Rebekah stated. "After i kill that doppelganger wrench. You will be alone. Always and Forever"

"If you run i will hunt you all down" Nik started to threaten us.

"Then you will become something you always hated" Elijah said." Our father."


" You will when we have that coffin" Elijah said. All of a sudden Elijah and Niklaus had a stare down. Someone opened a door and we all turned our heads to see who it was. Everybody in the room was shocked. It was our mother.

"Mother" Rebekah whispered. Our mother looked at all of us and walked up to Nik.

" Look at me. Do you know why I'm here" she asked Niklaus.

"To kill me" Niklaus said with tears in his eyes. He looked down.

"Niklaus you are my son. I am here to forgive you. I want us to be a family again." Mother said. After all that i went up to my room. I couldn't help thinking about Analiyah. I wonder if she was still alive. If she is then where is she? I finally went to sleep thinking of her.

I felt someone kissing my neck so i woke up. I tried to move but i think i was chained to the bed. I then felt that someone was on me.

"Whoever this is i will kill you when i get out of here"i threatened.

"Now why would you want to do that" i heard a raspy voice say. I couldn't tell if it was a male or female. It sounded more like a female though. It probably explains them sitting on top of me.

"If Klaus set you up to this then ill kill-" i was interrupted by them kissing me. Don't they know i have a fucking girlfriend. When she finds out she will kill whoever this is if i don't kill them first. I tried to fight back but i couldn't.

" I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND WHEN SHE FINDS OUT WHOEVER YOU ARE SHE WILL KILL YOU!" I yelled at them. I wonder why nobody came in here yet. Cant they hear me. They're probably all out of the house ughhh.

"What's her name sweet cheeks." She questioned me. Cant she understand i don't want her.

"Analiyah and if she is still alive she will kick your ass" i told them. I then felt her lips kiss me again. Ughhh kill me now. The blind fold was taken off in the middle of the kiss. After the person pulled back. My dead heart skipped a beat.

"Analiyah" i whispered. My love is alive and is right beside me.

"Ello love " she told me. I couldn't help but smile my one true love is here with me and not dead.


I hope everybody is enjoying the book so far. Comment and vote please. I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS ONLY ANALIYAH AND HER MOTHER! remember this is my first book so I'm sorry if its not that good. I'm trying really hard. Ill try to upload every day if I'm not busy. Okay bye:)

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