Chapter 2

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well this is chapter 2 

hope you like it

fan me if you do

this chapter is not finished but i wanted you to read it


Chapter 2 

October 11 6:00ish

B15. . . B19. . . here B21 Rose thought to herself when she got the door.  And literally ran into who she though was Ally it turned out it was.  "what??? oh sorry i didn't know you where. . . "

"great another girl to kill" said Ally with her ice cold eyes. She just reminded according to Penn very serious and never jokes.

"sorry sorry" Rose pleated she just looked at me and then walked out the door.  i put my bags on the bottom bunk and put my laptop on the desk an started my homework.  then went straight to bed with no sight of Ally.


October 12 6:30

"beep beep beep beep" my alarm clock ringing loudly before Rose slapped it to the ground.  She slowly crawled out of her bed going to her closet putting on pants and her favorite blue shirt.

Rose opened the door to go to the lunch room to get some breakfast and thinking do you think there is any bacon? until "bang" Rose hit Ally with the door again. She could not think of anything to say so she just looked at her glittery shoes and almost ran down the hall running into Penn.

"woo what is there a fire?" she replied

"oh sorry i didn't. . ." Rose tried to say

"it is ok. what happened why where you running?" 

"i hit. . . Ally with. . . the door. . .twice"  Penn didn't say anything but  her jaw almost hit the floor.  "You ok?"

"you. . .you. . .hit her. . . with a door. . .twice"

"yeah" Rose said shyly almost like a lost puppy.

"you are died every one in school will know by lunch that you are died, sorry but it is almost true.  lets go to breakfast ok before we starve."  we walked to the lunch room

"yat bacon" while Rose ran to the large plate of sizzling bacon 

"hey there is a line" yelled a girl with pigtails and a floral dress on.  Rose walked away slowly she went to the back of the line to Penn, paul, and maddy.  and a few people in front of them was the guy she saw on the first day of school  Rose could feel him watching her, but when she looked he was know where to be seen.  she looked around for him but nothing.

"you have a boyfriend back home?" asked paul half hugging Rose.

"no my Ana and Chris had very strickt rules" 

"oh too bad, who are Ana and Chris?'

"they are my mom and dad" Rose said using her air quotes

"are you adopted or something" asked maddy

"i think so but Chris showed me all the baby books and even Ana giveing birth"Rose shivered there a little bit "but i just got a gut feeling that they are not my parents do you get what i mean?" Paul nodded in ageement.


when we got to our table with our food (and i got my bacon).  Paul called the seat next to me, i have a gut feeling that he likes me.

"What are you doing after school?"

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