What The Signs Do When They're Horny

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Aries: Starts calling their ex's and past lovers to see who picks up

Taurus: Furiously tried to ignore it but eventually gives in

Gemini: Masturbates and cums twice (1 for each side of their personality)

Cancer: Attempts to learn how to Masturbates with how-to tutorials

Leo: Masturbates in the shower. Cries about how no one is there to do it for them

Virgo: Washed their hands afterwards, always.

Libra: Accidentally gets cum stains on their jeans (My ex BF did this once XD)

Scorpio: Cries while masturbating

Sagittarius: Watches BDSM porn

Capricorn: Takes a quickie

Aquarius: Gets off on the weirdest fantasies

Pisces: Imagines their lover is neat to them and has a wet dream

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