She grabbed her presents and we left, when we reached her dorm we began packing. She had a lot of books almost 4 boxes full, I started packing her clothes and noticed something; Kitten wasn’t facing me so I pointed it out. She flushed crimson and reached for it but I was too fast and taller so she couldn’t reach it.

“Zander, give it back” she yelled trying to jump for my arm that was carrying one of her bras high in the air.

“Fine, but just remember one day you’ll be begging me to take it off of you” I winked and replied cheekily she flushed even more and smacked my arm after getting it back. She began to play music as we were packing and it was perfect because we kept play fighting at one point she threw glitter all over me.

“You know you’d make a great male stripper, glitter suits you and now dance” she laughed out and I tackled her into a hug, she didn’t even flinch and that just warmed my heart. I could hear the lyrics perfectly describing our situation. (A/N please listen to the song, it’s actually so perfect for this chapter it’s on the side and it’s called Carried Away by Passion Pit)

Since my heart is golden,

I've got sense to hold in,

Tempted just to make an ugly scene.

No, I'm not as proper.

My money's in copper,

Ripped down from the brownstones to the street



I'm your friend, don't quote me,

But not a friend worth knowing.

Yes, please don't ever note me as your friend.

Who says we have cold hearts?

Acting out our old parts,

Let's perform our favorite little scene.

Oh oh oh oh.


I get carried away, carried away, from you

When I'm hoping and I'm praying,

Cause I'm sorry, sorry 'bout that,

Sorry 'bout things that I've said.

Always let it get to my head.

After finally packing everything up I called the guys and had them help me load the boxes into 2 cars. I kissed Kit on the cheek and told her I’d pick her up tomorrow at 5 in the morning, she whined about it being too early, but I reminded her about our little Harry Potter deal, she agreed.

When I got into the car with Jake and Will, Jake coughed out “Whipped”.

I simply turned to him and said “Just wait till we get home and you see your mate and get all lovey dovey, I’m not going to let you live it down” I grinned evilly and he just gulped.

I reached home and set all of her things up and went to sleep with much difficulty considering how excited I was.

Kit’s POV

I packed my most important necessities I had kept so I could get dressed this morning in a duffle bag, I went down stairs and saw Zander was already there. After a silent but not awkward drive to the pack house, I was unbelievably nervous. Zander squeezed my hand and gave me a reassuring look we stepped out of the car.

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