Jealousy Always Gets The Best Of Us

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Chapter 9: Jealousy Always Gets The Best Of Us 

Kit’s POV

"Well isn't this quite the show?" Someone said from behind me, I could recognize that deep voice anywhere by now.


I whipped my head around and gasped in complete shock, I was completely frozen in place. I needed a minute to analyze the current situation.

1.     I am currently in nothing but a towel and he’s only wearing plaid pajama bottoms and no shirt

2.     He must have been standing there for a while so he must have heard me belting out lyrics at the top of my lungs

3.     I was using a shampoo bottle as a speaker

4.     The song that I was singing to is finished and my phone being on shuffle has changed to the song Sex On Fire 

“Z-Z-ZANDER!!!” I barely managed to squeak out in a meek voice. By now the level of weirdness and embarrassment of this ordeal had hit me head on.

“You know I really like your taste in music” he said between a few chuckles. I scrambled to turn off the music, as fast as humanly possible, however considering the fact that I can’t even run 5 meters without wheezing and coughing and that I’ve never really done that much exercise, it took me a while. Zander wouldn’t stop laughing in the corner, he was holding onto the door frame with one arm and clutching his stomach with the other. I fail to find any bit of hilarity in this situation.

When I finally turned it off, I turned around and tried to dash to bathroom, but alas life’s a bitch. Zander grabbed my hand, I jumped. I was so skittish and jittery, considering the fact that I still have panic and anxiety attacks. Zander had a look of recognition on his face. “I’m sorry Kit, I forgot. Just breathe in and out slowly. Close your eyes for a moment and count to ten.” He said softly “I’ll get you a glass of water.”

I took a few breaths and counted to ten as Zander had told me, surprisingly I had calmed down a lot.

I hate it. I hate it so much. The fact that nobody can touch me without me starting to freak out. I can’t stand it, the guy I love can’t eve- WAIT WHAT!! I don’t love Zander do I? When I think about it for someone unknown reason I feel connected to him, I trust him and I sure as hell wouldn’t mind if he wanted me.

Oh My Gawd

 I love Zander.

Zander returned with the water and handed it to me, but then he looked away from me. A deep shade of crimson had stained my cheeks after I had come to a conclusion. I felt like breaking. Of course he didn’t love me.

Did he think I was too disgusting to look at?

Zander’s POV

I handed her the glass and looked away. I couldn’t stand looking at her, her body was tempting me and my wolf was already hard enough to control as it was. “I suggest you go take your shower now, because I don’t think I can control myself around you right now.”

As I looked back I saw her blushing “Kitten, you’re too cute for your own good.”

“Zander?” she asked meekly, I quirked in eyebrow wondering what she wanted to ask me. “How did you know what to do when I panicked?”

 A tint of pink was on my cheeks as I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, “I-I umm…I looked it up because I just wanted to help a bit y-you know?”

“Thank you” she said with a beautiful smile. “Umm y-yeah, so I’ll see you Saturday for Shay’s Birthday party right?”

“Yea, not a fan of parties, but you know how stubborn Shay can get”

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