2010 Mystic Falls Virgina

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When i get off my Motorcycle in front of the Grill i close the door and put on sunglasses.Once i head into the grill i see the bartender.Excuse me.I say to him.Yeah?He asks.Where do the Salvatore brothers live in this town?i ask him.You wouldent want to get involved with them.He says cleaning the counter.Honey ive been involved with the my entire life because i am a Salvatore.I say as his eyes almost pop out.Stefan and Damon never told me they had a sister.He says.More like Long Lost.i say.Well thereś Stefan over there.He says pointing towards my brother and Kathrine.Okay thank you.I say.You're welcome.He says as i walk away.Hello Steffy.I say as he looks up.Alex?He asks getting up.The one and only Brother.I say hugging him as Damon comes up from behind me and grabs my waist squeezing me in a bear hug from behind.Which By the way is uncomfratble.Dame!I say getting out of his bear grip with ease.Leave me alone with youŕe bear grip!I say as a brown haired guy with a black jacket,white shirt,jeans,converse and spikey hair comes up.Go away Elijah!Says Damon turning around.Elijah Mikealson?I think to myself.No it can't be!Can it?I ask myself.I just wanted to know who was this one.He says.This is my littlest sister Alexandria Amelia Salvatore.He says.Alex this is-Elijah Mikealson.I say.Dident think i would see you again after a hundred and sixty two years.I say.How do you two know each other?Stefan asks.Because iḿ in his bloodline.I say.

What do you mean?Elena asks.I created her.He says.The way you put it there that sounds awlful!Me and Damon say at the same time.Hey!We say high fiving each other.How did you do that?Stefan says.The first time we met was in the woods by our old home and he fed off me.I say.Then the witches found out that i was planning on somethin and they captured me and almost killed me.But he was there and he gave me his blood.I died an hour later.I say.Then she woke up reborn as a Hybrid.Elijah says.Not a hybrid Lijah.I say.Ill show you.I say as one of Klausś hybrids walks up.With the flic of my wrist the spot was cleared and the hybrid was on the ground looking at me.Tyler!Says a blonde chick.Im much more deadly.i say smiling.Like i am much more deadly then Damon with his his stupid fag and crow trick.I say leaving.

When i leave Elijah is behind me.Elijah whats done is done and there is no way to fix that.I say turning around in front of my Black and Blue Motorcycle.No Alexa you are right about that but it doesent mean that i dont still-dont Elijah!i say.I know you love me but- i break off because i see Klaus look at me.Elijah looks behind him.Look Elijah Im sorry but i cant!I say flitting off with out my motercycle.

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