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After school, as promised, Baekhyun followed his classmate to the movies. Sehun was quite shocked on the guy's amusement towards a movie, even the popcorn made him curious, everything around him made him curious, in fact, he himself was a curiosity.

"What is this strange sweet yellow flower? I like it," Baekhyun said, stuffing a handful of caramel popcorn in his mouth. It was the cutest thing ever to Sehun's eyes, he formed a smirk.

"It's called popcorn, it has this thing called 'caramel' coated around it, have you heard of this strange 'caramel', Baek?" Sehun laughed at his own joke. By his surprise, Baekhyun shook his head with a blank face.

"Are you serious?" Sehun raised an eyebrow. His classmate didn't give out a respond.

Sehun continued, "are you from outer space or something how can you not know popcorn," he stopped and released one more set of laughter.

Baekhyun's expressions showed that he didn't find his lack of knowledge funny, but he shook it off and half smiled.

"So it is a corn that is popped, yes?" he turned his face to look at Sehun.

"Yes, it is a corn that is popped," he replied.

There was not much to tell about the movie, all Sehun did throughout it was trying his hardest to flirt. He tried the cliché  yawning, wrapping his arms around Baekhyun's shoulders, he tried entwining their fingers together, he even tried kissing Baekhyun's cheek, which Baekhyun gave a glare as a return.

As soon as the movie was over, Sehun wrapped his hands around Baekhyun's wrist and pulled him out of the crowd, out of the building, to a park nearby where they could be alone.

"Why are we here?" Baekhyun questioned.

"No important reason, I just wanted to be with you," Sehun leaned his back on a tree.

Both of them stared at each other for a long time, just sitting, enjoying the comfortable silence, only the faint sounds of their breathing heard.

Sehun turned to face Baekhyun, his hands in his pockets.

"You still have a little something," he whispered, breaking the silence as he pointed at the side of Baekhyun's lips.


"You still have a little popcorn at the side there."

"Where?" Baekhyun tried wiping it away.

"Ah Baek, it's there," Sehun groaned in frustration seeing the male wiping the other side of his lips, obviously far away from the popcorn crumb.

"Just," Sehun said, moving an inch closer to Baekhyun's face,

"Here," his hands slowly moving behind Baekhyun's neck.

"Let me."

His lips made way to Baekhyun's, slowly kissing it, their warm breath gliding across each other's mouth, Baekhyun could feel himself smiling between kisses. He bit Sehun's bottom lip.

Sehun placed his hand carefully behind Baekhyun's back, pulling him closer, kissing his neck, trailing his fingers across Baekhyun's spine as he wrapped his other hand around the guy's waist.


Sehun ended up that night in Baekhyun's apartment, waking up at 3 in the morning to the faint sounds of him talking alone.

"I will make sure that this one is it, human beings are as kind as I thought, you are clearly wrong," Baekhyun said, followed by silence.

He continued, "I will prove that I am correct, and you will let me stay here when I do, I do not want to go back up there alone, away from other lights, and other people, I want to stay here with Oh Sehun."

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