Chapter 2 - Tradgedy

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Harry’s P.O.V

 I sat in the driver’s seat of my car on my way to Niall’s house. I couldn’t sit there and just accept what had happened, I needed to make it right. Blood was pumping through my veins yet I was nervous at the same time. Questions were circling around my head: What will happen? Will they let me back in?

 This car journey was the most terrifying experience of my life. Not because of where I was going or what I was going to do. It was far worse than that.

 Suddenly my phone started ringing again; I looked down and took my eyes off the road for a moment. It was Skye. But before I knew it, a rusted white car had slammed into the side of me. Glass shattered everywhere and the sound of horns was pulsating in my ears. I was pretty sure that my car was indented where the now colossal pile of junk hit. Cars were crashing all around me and my vision was a blur. This was all my fault. I couldn’t move. I just had to lay there stuck.  I tried to stay awake but my eyes kept closing and I was slipping in and out of conciseness. I looked around to see fire burning and flames flickering around the other cars and all I saw were people rushing towards the scene. But the only thing I could think about was Skye…

Skye’s P.O.V

 Once I had gotten home, the only thing I could think about was Harry. The fact how he was there all alone probably crying his eyes out terrified me and I couldn’t stop worrying about what he was going to do. I spent half an hour pacing up and down my house thinking about what had happened. I just wanted to spend some time with my boyfriend after his tour. I didn’t expect for there to be any drama.

 I lay on my couch watching the clock tick by as I wondered what was going on. I hadn’t even received any calls to inform me about the situation. I was wrapped up in a grey blanket with a mug of coco just trying to relax but the visit I had just made meant it was impossible for me to focus on  anything.

 But then I thought; what if it was all a stunt? A publicity one or even one to fool me. Maybe Harry didn’t love me anymore and had cheated on me during tour and he just wanted the pressure to get to me so I would break up with him. It all began to make sense and the anger was building up inside me. What if this was the case?

 As I was lying there, a loud ring interrupted my thinking. I checked my phone reluctantly to find that the number on my screen was unknown. A little confused, I answered waiting for the voice to reply from the other side.

“Hello, is this Skye?” A very calm professional voice spoke.

“um.. yes.. yes it is”

“I’m afraid to inform you that your boyfriend Harry has been involved in a major car accident” Immediately I dropped my phone in shock. My heart was pounding and I was feeling a little guilty about the theory I had come up with earlier.

 With my phone still on the cream carpet, I ran out of the door, shoving on an old leather jacket and some ugg boots.  Hurriedly I made my way to my convertible, hopping into the front seat and powering up the engine as quickly as I could. Fear spread through my body as my car began and jolted forward. I reversed out of my driveway carefully and before I knew it I was at the hospital.

 Leaving my car in the car park, I rushed into the reception area. I was puffing and panting and my face was turning red. The lady looked at me with concern

“Can I help you?” She worryingly asked me.

“I’m looking for Harry Styles” I replied out of breath “I’m his girlfriend, Skye”

 The smart looking lady pointed down the corridor and as soon as she did I had already began running towards his room. People were looking and staring at me as I made my way.

 Once I had finally found his room in the maze that is the hospital there were many doctors and nurses crowded round him shouting urgent commands. A bead of sweat dripped down my forehead as I stared around at the plain room.

“What’s going on!?” I shouted.  A young trainee nurse ushered me out of the room and shut the door. I tried as hard as I could to peek through the window but it was virtually impossible. I gave up; there was nothing I could do. With my body in shock I slid down to the floor, leaning my back on the wooden door and I began to cry. My head was in my hands and I was completely disorientated by the whole situation. I was shaking all over. I just wanted to see him.

 A few minutes later, I fell backwards as the door swung open. The same young nurse told me that I could go in and soon enough another more knowledgeable doctor spoke to me about Harry’s condition.  Once he had finished talking I slowly walked over to Harry’s bed, unable to take my eyes off of him. It was horrible; I never imagined I would see my boyfriend lying on a hospital bed silenced by a coma. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2013 ⏰

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