{Dylan's P.O.V.}

Picking up my suitcase from the carosel, my sunglasses started sliding from my nose. That was the thing about the LAX airport is on edge; the actors trying not to get spotted, the security trying to make sure a riot doesn't start out if one does get caught, and then of course there's the papparazzi hopeful to find an actor to get pictures of, and then, then there are the screamers, the ones who spot us out.

And of course, I had to get that. My sunglasses slipped from my nose just as I tugged my suitcase and got it on the floor. I fumbled to catch them as a scream emmited from across the luggage wheel.


"Oh you have got to be kidding me," I quickly pushed my sunglasses back on and grabbed the handle of my suitcase and spotted the exit just across the room. I paced myself fastly through the crowd of people going about the airport, men in black suits whispering into their shoulders as I passed them.

I glanced around to see if there would be sign for me or if my car was just dropped off for me to drive back. And just in time, I heard a voice clear itself.

"Mr. O'Brien," A small girl with blonde hair casually stood to the left of me with a piece of paper in her hands reading my last name.

I dropped my shoulders with a smile, laughing as she giggled from behind a pair of sunglasses. "You could've told me," I mumbled, quickly pulling her into a hug.

"I had to convince Daniel," Gen mumbled against me before looking over my shoulder, "Shit, Dylan." She grabbed my hand and pulled me out the doors.

There was literally a mob of people coming after us, half of them with cameras and iphones flashing at us.

"Hurry up!" Gen called back to me, laughing as we ran from the flashes following us.

Maybe she could do this.

"Hurry up, you two!" Daniel hopped out of the black van parked on the edge of the lot, opening the trunk of it. "Get in!" He took my suitcase and tossed it in the back before climbing in after it and shutting the door from the inside.

"And welcome to a normal time at the airport for us," Daniel said to Gen, the three of us in a laughng fit as the shouting grew distant and the flashes stopped.

I caught my breath as I looked over to Gen, "Damn, you run fast."

"I'm pretty sure having to run through sand helped." Gen stated, pushing away a stray piece of hair as she recalled our first day together walking back from the ice cream place.

"She's always been able to," Daniel put in, taking both Gen and I by surprise. "She told me on the aeroplane that she used to be in track."

"Really?" I looked over to Gen who nodded. She never mentioned that before.

"Mr. Dylan, would you like me to drop you and Miss Genesis off at your house?" Our driver lowered the black panel enough to ask.

"Yes, please." I said back, the panel raising a moment later.

"You know," Daniel shifted uncomfortably in the back of the van, "This always looked way cooler in the movies." He crouched his head, it bumping every time the van hit a knob in the road.

"Things always do." I replied, still laughing lightly from our movie-worthy get away. I pushed up at my hair, "So how did today go?"

"We ended up designing two different covers. Apparently Elizabeth got me a first release deal with Bloomsbury, of all English publishers, and they wanted a limited edition cover for their company." Gen told me, her eyes telling me that she was unsure about the whole thing. She glanced behind her but not at Daniel, "Where's Edmund?"

"I've got my sister picking him up for me. There isn't a chance that I could get out of that airport alive while having to carry his crate." I answered, checking my phone for a message from Julia to see if she'd gotten him yet.

Daniel patted the back of my shoulder, smirking lightly as we pulled up to my house. "Tell me how that goes."

Gen's eyes widened, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Daniel popped open the trunk and climbed out, laughing to himself.

Gen's hand grabbed mine before I could open my door, "Dylan,"

I huffed, hoping that I could just wait until tonight to have her find out, "My sister, Julia, is in town and she wants to meet you." Gen's eyebrows shot up, making me panic slightly, "She wouldn't take no for an answer and said that she had to meet you or she'd make me wear a chastity belt."

Gen clasped a hand over her mouth in attempt to conceal her laughter, "You know you over talk when you get nervous, right?"

I connected my palm with my forehead, my face growing warm. "Yeah, yeah." I mumbled, pushing my door open after taking off my seatbelt.

Gen clammered down from the van, it just slightly too tall for her to get straight out. As she tugged her dufflebag from the back she continued to laugh. "Personally I think it's funny."

"Of course you do." I jutted my tongue out at her before hugging Daniel, "Thank you,"

Daniel patted my back before releasing me, "It wasn't a problem." He put out his hand to Gen, "I hope everything with you book goes well."

Gen shook his hand breifly, "Thanks mate,"

Daniel gave us a quick wave before pulling himself into the van, smiling at us as he wished me good luck about my sister coming. "See you later."

Gen and I said a goodbye before I fished out my keys, "That wasn't that bad, was it?" I nudged her with a grin, "You seemed so off put this morning."

"I just didn't want a babysitter, that's all." Gen defended, "But he was nice. Still weird from hearing a different accent than on Teen Wolf."

"I bet. We were always getting it confused because when we first met him, he had his English accent, and then none of us were expecting it, but when the camera started rolling he just had this perfect American accent. More than half of the people who watch Teen Wolf didn't even know he wasn't American until months after her started on the show."

"I think that if I even attempted to be American I would be called out in two seconds." Gen said, smiling as she followed me into the house. "So how was filming today?"

"It's like you want to know but you don't." I set my suitcase by the door, "You want to know how it went but not what we filmed." I grabbed at her waist and picked her, "Teen Wolf fans are so complicated!" I yelled teasingly, squeezing at her.

Gen's laughter filled the room as she faught me, "Put me down Dylan!"

"But your questions are so confusing!" I argued back, grinning from the contagion of her laugh.

"Dylan!" She squealed, her squirming causing me to fall over.

But not only fall over on the sofa, I fell on top of her.

"Was she serious about that chastity belt?" Gen asked, trying to ask a question that would distract me from the flush in her cheeks.

"I'm guessing so," I could feel myself leaning in towards her, my body lingering over hers.

"Woah! Woah, okay then" Julia's voice pulled my thoughts away from how amazing Gen smelt.

I shut my eyes lightly and pulled myself off of the sofa. "Hi J," I walked over to her judging self and hugged her, her voice taunting me in whispers as Gen sat up from the sofa with red cheeks.

"So this is the famous Genesis?" Julia asked with a grin, looking over Gen as she stood up and walked over to me.

"Gen, this is my older sister Julia." I wrang my hands together, hoping that this would go well.

Worth Solving {Dylan O'Brien}Where stories live. Discover now