ch 2. broken

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Last Edited - 04/12/16

/A week has passed\

Atticus' POV

I looked across the welly-decorated room filled with my peers. My eyes landed on the only one of them I cared about, Diego. Bailey was trying to talk to him about something stupid. That, of course, would be funny to Diego, and used to be funny to me. I studied Bailey. His pale round face turned up in a smile as Diego walked over to him, and ruffled his brown hair. I looked away from the scene. I was almost positive that Bailey was gay, and was trying to 'get with' Diego. If I had a suspicion that Diego didn't like me, or males for that matter, why would he like Bailey? My head rested carefully on the palm of my hand, fingers curled up touching my chin. A sinking feeling started to settle in my stomach. It got worse as I turned my head back to see Bailey playfully touching Diego's face. I turned my head back to the wall I was staring at, to not hurt so much. But of course, the sinking feeling got worse.


I turned my head to look at Ms. Williams. "What?"

"Are you okay, you look a little pale."

Okay, okay, say you that you're okay. Seem natural. "Psssh, I'm fine."

"Well then, would you like to recap the class on what Ashley said?"

I stayed silent, she was beginning to piss me off.

Ms Williams turned away from looking at me, and looked right in front of her, "See me after class."

I let out an agitated sigh as Ms. Williams finally noticed Bailey and Diego, and made them both go back to their seats. Class droned on and on until the bell rung.


     The students all filed out of the classroom, while I walked to Ms. Williams desk. I was surprised to see a worried expression painted on her features. It would be very hard to tell if it was fake. "Are you positive that you're okay? You've seemed kind of down the past week; you've stopped interrupting so much in class. Not that I'm complaining, it's just so unlike you."

"Like I said, I'm fine." I replied coldly. I switched my gaze from Ms. Williams to her door, wishing to get out of this horrid classroom. Through the door's window I was able to see Diego's face peeking through. By the countless unreadable facial expressions he was portraying I could tell that he'd be asking a lot of questions in GT.

"You pro-"

"I don't make a whole lot of promises."

Ms. Williams let out a sigh. "Okay. Just come to me if you need anything, anything at all. Alright?"

I nodded and made my way towards the wooden door. Diego had already left, so I walked through the hallway alone to get to my next class.

• • •

     I was now at the last 2 periods of my day, GT. I walked through the plain door to enter the classroom. I wasn't as happy as I thought I'd be to be getting attention from Diego. This past week he's rarely even talked to me outside of science. He usually just talks to Grace in GT, like he's doing now. I walked over to where Diego and Grace were sitting. Diego took his eyes off of grace and looked at me. As soon as I saw his eyes transfix onto mine my mood lightened.

SuicidalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang