Chapter 2

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"So what's going on here?" Charly asked as we entered the mall "What do you mean?" "What happened since I've been gone. Any interesting news? Anything changed?" "Umm.." I thought for a minute "Well...Nothing changed...Dan's still the same drunk's still at work all the time yknow." "And Mike?"she asked excitedly. I giggled. She always loved him. "He's still smoking pot all day" "So everything stayed?" I nodded. "Only you are missing" I gave her a sad smile as we walked on.

We walked for a few minutes in silence when suddenly Charly started to yell "OH MY GOSH I WANT ICE CREAM!" and ran to the shop. I laughed at her.

I was about to walk to her when somebody punched my back. I turned around to see Mike "Hey Armstrong what are you laughing at?" he asked and Charly ran back to us. "I um..." "You remembered something funny" Charly helped me. "I-I saw that Ice cream sign and um..." "It reminds you of Charly?" Mike asked. I just nodded and looked down. "Come on. It's been three months. You have to move on" he said and gave me a hug.

"Aww He's so damn cute!" Charly yelled. I gave her a confused look. "Something wrong?" he asked. "What do you mean?" "You're...i don't strange" he sounded a bit worried. 'Maybe I'm strange because I do see dead people?' I asked myself. "No...I'm fine" I gave him a fake smile. "Wanna jam a little bit at my house?". I looked at Charly who made a sad face and looked back at Mike and shook my head. "No I wanna be alone for now" I replied. "You sure?" "Yea" "Ok but call if you need somebody. Anytime ok?" I nodded. We said our goodbyes and went on.

"Why can I see you? I're...dead" I asked when we were in the park sitting on a bench. She shrugged "I don't know...maybe because you almost died?" she answered as if it was normal. But it wasn't.

My eyes filled with water "But I didn't. You did." "Billie stop crying. You know I can't stand it when you cry" she sounded desperate. "It's not fair. Why you and not me?" "Billie don't say that" "I cause all the trouble. I drink, I smoke pot all day I always upset mom and worry her to death. And you're just an innocent 10 year old girl a-and I-I killed you" I cried. "Billie stop it. You didn't. It was an accident. I told you so many times. You didn't kill me." she sounded upset but she gave me a smile which calmed me down a bit.

It took me some time to stop crying but eventually I did. "You ok again?" Charly asked. "I'm talking to a ghost what do you think?" I replied a bit sarcastically. She giggled. I missed that giggle around me. Although it fucked me up when she woke me up around 7 am on a Saturday , I missed her.

"You need to go out and meet a girl" Charly said out of a sudden. "What?" I was suprised and confused at once. "You need a girlfriend" "Why?" "You're 16. You have to go and find a girlfriend " "Who said that?" She thought for a short time "Well... I did" she cheered. I laughed at her. "Well I don't want a girlfriend. At least not now" I said and immediately had Adie on my mind.

I wondered why I could see her. I mean...I never met her before. "Hey Charly can I ask you something?" "Of course big brother" I giggled a bit "Well Adie yknow?" "Yknow" she giggled. I didn't get it but I didn't ask. " I see her I she...dead?" She shrugged "How should I know?" "I don't know. Have you never met her on the...other side?" I asked and felt a bit stupid. "No there is nothing. I'm all alone" she said and I almost teared up again. "B-but you saw her a few hours ago." "Yes. I don't's strange" I nodded. I could understand her. She's only 10. And she'll always BE 10. I still wished that I had died instead of her.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked her worried as she had a strange expression on her face. Like she had a headache or so. "You should go" she said. "Why? What's wrong?" "N-nothing. You should check on mom." "What? Charly tell me! What's wrong!" "Nothing just go" she whisper cried as I noticed some bleeding cuts on her face and arms. I paniced.

"Charly want's happening. What should I do-" "Just go" she cut me off "But how can I make it stop?" I now cried. "You can't. Please just go I don't want to make and see you cry" she held her stomach in pain. "What's happening?" I whispered still in shock. She didn't answer.

She fell on her knees and on her side crying in pain. "Tell me! What's happening? How can I stop it? What's happening" I yelled. She looked at me tears streaming down her cheeks and whispered "I'm dying" then she disappeared.

[A|N: 2nd chapter. It's short but I hope you dont mind and still liked it ;)



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