Seeing whats abandomed

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It's almost been a week since I've been sick and it's Friday. 
I hear Levi's alarm go off and him get up.  I roll over and smother my face in the pillow the I felt and arm go around my waist.  I felt a warm breath on my neck.
(Levi): come on you got to get up.
(Mikasa): no I don't ughhhhhhh
(Levi): yes you do, just be happy we have all the same classes
(Mikasa): fine
Mikasa gets up gets into some skinny jeans and shirt and red scarf. I eat breakfast and grab my bag
(Levi): come on let's go well be late
(Mikasa): ok calm down I'm leaving
They leave and get into the car. They drive in silence witch wasn't bad. They get to school and enter and immediately go to there lockers to grab there science book for first period. 

The rest of the day went by fast.  They leave as soon as the bell rings and drive home. It's a nice day so mikasa decides to read at the park witch is a block away, but really she was going to check out a abandon house that the drive by almost every day.
(Mikasa): hey I'm going to the park
(Levi): ok just be back before midnight
(Mikasa): Oookkkk hahaha

Mikasa leave and starts walking to the abandoned house

LEVIs p.o.v.
I looked out the window to see mikasa walking the opposite way of the park. I wonder were she's going. Should proble my go see were she's going. I stop cleaning the dishes and put a hoodie on.  I start following behind her at a far distance. And I see her enter and abandoned house. I wonder what's she's doing.


I get to the abandoned house throu the broken window and look around. It's huge  a big stair case a large living room that is connected to the kitchen. I walk throu the living room and into the kitchen to see and old fridge and a collapsed calling  I walk throu the kitchen and up the stairs to the up stairs. I see six big rooms and I go throu the first one on the left I enter and see vines up the walls and a cot with a old bed on it I look out the window then I suddenly was scared by two heads grabbing my waist I jumped and tried to hit who it was but only to see it was Levi scaring me
(Levi): what are you doing here it's filthy
(Mikasa): I don't know I see it almost everyday and I wanted to see what it looked like
(Levi): oh, this house has been abandoned for about 3 years now
(Mikasa): oh cool
(Levi): so do you want to check out the rest of the house
mikasa and Levi go and investigate the rest of the house. After words they walk home and eat dinner it was only 8:00 so mikasa got on the computer to write. After she finishes she looks at the clock that reads 11:30. She then goes up stairs and gets into a big t shirt and some shorts. 
(Mikasa): I'm going to bed
(Levi): ok be there in a sec.
Mikasa then gets in bed and rest her head on the lavender scented sheets and pillow. She hears the door open and close. She looks over and sees Levi taking off his shirt and shorts to reveal his boxers.  She then sees him get back in bed and rest on his back and close his eyes. She turns back over and closes her eyes. She feels him move close to her then rest his hand  on her waist and then pulls her close to him. They then relax and fall asleep.
Mikasa suddenly wakes up and looks at the clock that reads 2:00 am. Damn I wish I would sleep longer. Come to think  of it I'm kind of hungry do we have any ice cream I think we do.  She walks down the stairs and into the kitchen.  She turns on the light and opens the freezer door to see cookie dough ice cream. She grabs the box and grabs a spoon and sits on the couch. She opens the box and starts to eat a big spoon full. I then turn on the t.v. And start watching black butler.  After watching a couple episodes I look at the clock 4:30 am I already ate the whole box of ice cream. I get up and throw the box away and walk to his room I open the door to see him spread out al over the bed. Jeez I wish he would move guess I'm sleeping in my room tonight.  I go to my room and get comfortable and fall asleep. I woke up in someone arms carrying me I clear my vision to see its Levi. 
(Mikasa): what are you doing
(Levi): I saw you weren't in bed so I went looking for you to find you in your bed sleeping.  Why were you sleeping in your bed
(Mikasa): cause you were sprawled out and I had no room
(Levi): oh sorry
Levi tucks mikasa in bed and he gets in bed and both fall asleep

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