It was 6:26 nothing to do, no homework, no one to talk to, no one to text. So I went down the brown stairs Past the living room and in to the hallway with all our pictures of us, our family members and friends. Past the door that lead to the basement of the the house and in to the kitchen, which was at the end of the hallway. Mom was in there cooking fried chicken, corn on the cub, sweet potatoes, cornbread, salad and cake for dessert.

"Hi mom" I said happy to see her, the food mostly the food on the marble counter between the hot plate stove and the double door fridge.

"Hi sweetie" she said as she went to open the back door for fresh air and wind from how hot it was in the kitchen.

"Do you need help Ma" I said in a cheerful tone, because I was always happy when it came to food

"No everything done for now, how about you go Get your sister" she said this as the close the back door.

"Okay" I said fleeing the kitchen and into the hallway with all our pictures, past the door that lead to the basement, into the living room and up the brown set of stairs, and past mom room and the upstairs bathroom and then I knock on her room door with my right pointer finger, just loud enough for she can hear it.

"Hello, sis" I said as I knock on her door quietly. She came to the door as well if she has been crying the hole time she was in there.

"Hey" she said quietly opening the door wider for I can come in. As I went in I thought she only liked pink, but her room was a rainbow with every color I could think of. It was a shame she had to pack all the beautiful things up and move it.

"Mom said it's time to eat" I said happily to her.

"Okay" she said in a tired voice. So I left her beautiful room with all of her dolls and teddy bears on her shelf and an amazing color of pink paint that mom and dad put on thirteen years ago when she was a baby. And a window next to both of the two big set like teddy bears that mom bought her. As I left her room I heard someone knocking on the front door.

"I'll get it" I yelled to the rest of the house. When I open the door it was my best friend and two of my sisters friends. Plus my Mom friends. "Oh my gosh" I yelled as I hug him.

"Where's Hope" one of the girls ask.

"She's upstairs getting ready dinner, I'll go get her. But go to the kitchen . Mom is setting up dinner" I said happily as I went up the brown set of stairs past mom room past the upstairs bathroom and I knock on her door.

"What now" she said all dark like.

"Your two friends are here" I said happily.

"Wait what" she said questionily

"I said your two friends are here" I said this the same why I did earlier but only with her experience.

"Okay tell them I'll be down in A minute" she said happily.

"Okay" I said as I stated to go to the stairwell when I walk down the brown set of stairs it was so quiet. I went in to the kitchen. Where they all were sitting at the table, where Mom had put the plates and food down already.

"Mom you need help setting the table" I ask?

"Yeah can you finish putting the food on the table swittie" she said happily. Every seat was taken, but his spot, the spot that always stays empty no matter what.

Hope came rushing in the kitchen and set right between her friends, not bothering if Ma and Me needed help with anything. As I set the rest of the food on the shiny wood table that fits ten people around it. After I finish that, Mom Put the cake right in the middle of the table.

The little kids went to get there food first. Then me and my best friend then mom and her friends. The food was really good. After we finish eating we all went in the living room.

The living room was big, after you came in the front door to you left you see a big antic window with flower designs on top and the brown staircase next to it. But to your right you see a big window with some of our family pictures on it, basically to block the sunlight from glancing the 72 inch TV. To the left of the TV is a lazy chair, not for looking at the TV but just to relax and talking. One of the couches are just to left of the TV just tilted crookedly so it wont face the window, but the TV. The other couch is just right next to the other couch but right in front of the TV. Both couches hold 3 people each, leaving one person short a place to set, so I set on the floor with my best friend Music(I know some people don't think music should be a name but I like it), who was 37.5% Indiana and 62.5% African American sorta like me but I was 25% Indiana and 75% African American. His skin was a deep bronze color, his hair was per black, he always had braids in his hair. He was a little chubby, which made him, him but he thought he looks fat, and nobody will ever understand him, but I did. He was the nicest person I know. Mom stood up from the lazy chair about 20 minutes after we had finished eating.

"I have bad news to tell you ever one" she said this as if it was a surprise. "We are moving to Seattle next weekend on Sunday night" she said sadly.

"B-b-but this isn't happening tell me your lying us" one of my sister best friend said shooting.

"No it's true" my sister said almost crying.

"Wait what" my best friend Music said in his light voice for a boy his age, he almost started crying.

"I think, I think it's time for us to go" one of my moms friend said to my sisters best friend and mine.

"O-okay" they all said nearly crying. As they left my sister said

"Am going to bed, night" she said to us sadly

"Me too mom, good night" I said as if I was tired.

"Good night sweeties have sweet dreams don't let the bed bugs bit" she said sadly.

As I went up the brown staircase past mom room I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth and put my hair in braids so it won't be so messy in the morning, then I put my cream on, it helps get rid of acne. As I past my sister room she was crying, so I went in to comfort her. She cried her self to sleep in my arms, I tried my best to make her fell better but it wasn't enough. As I fix her on her bed so that she won't fall like usual I went to my room at the end of the plan white color hallway, I shut my door and fell into what felt like a cloud, but it was just a bed, a super fluffy bed, and I fell in to a deep sleep.

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