"Yeah! I would! Thank you..." She reads his name tag. "Jack!" He laughs.

"Of course. Come in anytime tomorrow, and ask for our manager, Brendon Urie. He'll give you an interview and see if your fit for the job. Tell 'im that Jack sent you."

"Okay, I will! Thanks again!" He smiles at her cheery attitude and walks off. "Patrick! My first day here, and I got offered a job!" I laugh from smiling so much. She was behaving completely adorable.

"Victoria, I've missed you so much." She waits a moment, then tilts her head to the side.

"What do you mean?"

"You're always so happy! Being in your presence makes me feel good, like a better person." She blushes, and holds her cheek with one hand.

"Patrick..." We look in each others eyes for a long while. I don't know what happens inside me, but I start to lean toward her, and she does the same to me. We're inches from each others face. My lips tremble from anticipation. And then...

"Oh my God, who is that?" Victoria snaps up straight, looking at someone behind me. Upset, I turn around. I see a man, around our age, making eyes at Victoria. He's wearing a purple hoodie and white rimmed wayfarers that are obviously not prescription. Upon Victoria looking over at him, he does the 'Sup' nod, and she smiles back flirtatiously. I sigh sadly, and face my drink again.

"I dunno. I've never seen him before around town." Even if I had, there would be no way I'd remember. I see tons of people every day. I can barely remember the names of my choir students, none the less the face of a random stranger.

"Oh shit, oh shit, he's walking over here. Patrick, Patrick. Be cool, be cool!" She turns away from the man until he comes up to us, er, her. He does that douchey guy move, leaning on the bar next to her. I move my head slightly to monitor the conversation about to take place.

"Hey." He starts.

"Hi..." Victoria plays with a strand of her short hair.

"My name's Gabe. Who are you?" He smirks seductively at her, and she totally falls for it.

"I'm Victoria."

"Victoria, huh? That's a bit of a mouthful. You need a nickname, babe." She blushes at being called 'babe'.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" He ponders for a moment.

"How about... Vicky-T?" She laughs. "What?"

"Vicky-T. I like it."

"Yeah! It's rolls off the tongue..." He moves in and cups her chin, pulling her in, with more than just physical movements. I can't see much, but I do see they way he's looking at her. Surprisingly, he's not as sleazy as he's coming off to be. The usual look is full of lust and only lust. But I see through his bad boy exterior. He started by introducing himself. Most guys would've gotten straight to the point ("I live right upstairs."), but he wants to get to know her. He wants to know her secrets, her quirks, her past, her story, not just her body. He wants to treat her well. I respect that. I don't fully trust him yet, she's not going home with him, but he's gained a chance. When I was going into that kiss with her, she was all I wanted at the moment. I wanted to be that sleazy guy. I wanted a one night stand. But now I've remembered Elisa, and how much I love her. I'm seeing this kid, flirting with my good friend, and I realize that he was going to be better to her than I was. I let them stare into each others eyes. I'm happy. I really am. The two are about to lock lips-- I'm rooting for them-- when her iPhone buzzes by her glass, making a distinctive noise as it vibrates. She sighs, and he smiles at her disappointed. She was looking forward to it. She checks her phone.

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