II. This City

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I remain silent.

"What was 'that one time'?"

I keep quiet.


I take a sip from my glass.

"Patrick Stump!"

"Alright! I'll tell you! Damn." I sigh and rub my temples. He waits anxiously for the story like a five year-old waiting to get his candy. "Okay... So... Victoria and I had been friends for a long while, and she just moved to Chicago..."

- - -

"Patrick!" Victoria yelled my name across the airport. I beam at her as she waves. She ran toward me, dragging her luggage behind her. When she reached me, we engaged in a big hug. I got glances of bystanders smiling at the two of us.

"You didn't have to come pick me up! Thank you so much!" She started to shift her weight on her feet, moving the hug around a few degrees.

"I'm just happy that you are finally here! I can't wait to introduce you Elisa." We drew back from each other and I got a good look at her face. This was the first time I've seen her in years. She looks so grown up. Her was hair was cut into a bob, as opposed to the long hair she had growing up. It fit her face very well. This was also the first time I've seen her wearing makeup for the hell of it. Sure, she had done herself up for prom and homecoming and parties and such, but now she actually seemed to wear it daily. Victoria was always a bit of a tomboy growing up. Now she looks so feminine. She's... Gorgeous.

"And I can't wait to meet your lovely bride-to-be!" She displayed her bright white rows of teeth beautifully.

"Come on," I took hold of her luggage. She had already gone through baggage claim and collected her several green suitcases. It looked like a lot to carry, so I chose to help. "I've got a taxi waiting outside."


It was the night of her arrival, and I was in charge of introducing the city to her. Chicago, Victoria. Victoria, Chicago. I'm sure you two will get along very well. I had taken her around every corner and block there was in our area, and she was absolutely loving it. In the few cab rides to other locations, I would tell her stories of my childhood here. We met in high school, freshman year, so I had a lot to tell her about growing up in another big city. She would laugh and gasp, indulging in my stories. I love when people do that. It shows that you actually matter to them. Our last destination was this new bar that I had never been to before, so it would be a new experience for the other of us. We sat down next to each other at the bar counter.

"Hello. What can I get ya?" A young man whose black hair had a selection of it dyed blond greets us. He doesn't seem to be liking his job so much.

"Hm... I don't know. I don't drink much. Hey, Victoria? Do you think you can order for me...?" I mumble the last part in embarrassment, hoping the bartender wouldn't overhear. She smiles and nods ever so slightly, signaling that she picked up on my awkwardness.

"Sure! I'll have a gin and tonic on the rocks, and get him a... Peach and lime daiquiri, please." The boy looks impressed, but nods and get started.

"Wow. You're quick." I comment. She chuckles and shrugs her shoulders.

"Hey. I know my alcohol." We smile and wait for our glasses.

"Here you go." He lingers a moment. "Hey girl." Victoria puts down her drink after a small sip.

"Yeah?" She replies in a somewhat high pitched voice. It's really cute.

"We're hiring here. You really seem to know what you're talking about. Would you like a job here? Nothing guaranteed, but I can ask my manager." Victoria seems thrilled to be offered a job in general. She flashes an excited expression at me, before looking back at the bartender.

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