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"It wasn't either of those things was it?" I questioned, thought I already knew what the answer was.

Adrian just shook his head and leaned forward before continuing.

"I didn't exactly wake up from last night's nightmare." Before I could ask he answered. "We were in the basement, but further and it seemed to go on forever. I kept walking and you kept trying to stop me, but I wouldn't, well, not until it was too late. Something with glowing yellow eyes slammed me against wall, you screamed, and I woke up. The only difference was that the eyes were still there." I was right. I knew the second I heard what happened that it was a demon's doing.

"Then what?" I asked as I whipped under my eyes. My mascara had decided to pull a wonderful stunt and not run.

"I seized, I guess. I don't remember." He answered with a shrug. "It was around one and it wasn't anywhere near minor. The room looks like a tornado went through it." Neither of us really knew what to say after that. We just sat and mulled over our thoughts.

Well, I'm certainly spending my days here now. I'll get here as early as I'm capable of getting up and leave when Adrian doesn't need me. If I could live here I probably would, just to make sure Adrian is okay. I'm really going to need to pick up and hobby or something to make being here all the time bearable. I certainly can't just wander around aimlessly all the time. That would probably be unwise.

"So, how do you feel?" I asked finally. I should have asked before now, but I had been a bit preoccupied.

"Fine I guess. I really don't need to still be in here. They're just trying to keep me out of the way." He grumbled and shifted restlessly. I smiled at that. He was such a guy. "What?" He questioned and eyed me.

I shook my head, still smiling. "Nothing." I said softly just before the door opened. For a moment, when I saw her, I had forgotten that Dr. Thompson had lied about Adrian's seizure. Wendy and Jay were with her for some reason.

"Are we all happy now?" Dr. Thompson asked.

Happy? Oh, if she only knew. If she had any idea how much I wanted to choke her she wouldn't have even though of bringing up happiness. How could I be happy about anything? Adrian could have died and she acted like what happened was no big deal.

I nodded in as my response and she moved on with no problem.

"Well, we've been really busy today and haven't had time to do our group session, so we'll get Adrian ready and then get right to it. You are staying aren't you?" She asked me.

A red flag went up. If I learned anything from One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and reading Get Well Soon, I know schedules are vital in psychiatric hospitals. They would have gone on without Adrian. They want to keep patients used to the routine, thinking that will help them keep their disorders under control. Breaking the habit would throw patients off kilter and they could have a breakdown. They wouldn't risk that.

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