••• Nine •••

ابدأ من البداية

What the hell?

Entering the bathroom, I find it empty as I go to the stall and refresh myself. My body is sore as I sit down, and once again, memories of the night flood my mind. Just as I flush, the pain begins again in my neck.

Unlocking the stall, I move to the mirror, only, as I brush my hair out of the way, I find myself growing pale.
There, in the crook of my neck where the pain has been coming from, lays the scar of a bite mark, but it doesn't look human. Nothing about it looks human.

Come to think of it, Nixon's eyes, how they change color, don't even seem human.

...What have I gotten myself into.


"What the hell is this?" I snap, slamming the office door behind me, my legs sore as Nixon stares back at me, his eyes growing wide.

I've caught him. He looks nervous.
But what he did he expect, I wouldn't notice the giant mark on my neck?!

"Lily..." He warns, hanging up his phone as I cross my arms. "Sit down."

"Sit down?" I scoff. "You want me to sit down after I notice some new and massive scar upon my neck!" I snap, charging forward, watching as Nixon stands his ground behind his desk. "What is this?"

"A mark."

He answered. He answered straight away. "A mark?" I ask, confused as my lips form a thin line. "What kind of fucked up excuse it that."

His eyes turn black.

"Now, tell me, why do your eyes do that."

"Follow me."

"No, I need to know now," I state, holding my group as Nixon begs with me to follow him. To follow his orders like usual. "What the hell are you?"

"Since when did we establish I'm not human?"

He's getting smart with me, he's wanting to frustrate me as I stand, sore, and pissed off. "Tell me, Lily, when did you decide that I'm not human."

He's right, it sound stupid. It sounds so dumb to think that he's not human.
Sighing, I pinch the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes. "You're right, I'm sorry."

Opening my eyes, I'm only surprised to see Nixon right before me, those eyes causing me to push away and scramble towards the other side of the room. "What the fuck!" I shout, watching as those midnight blue eyes go from ice blue to black, swirling like the cloud of a storm. "What the hell are you!" I scream, watching with wide eyes as he faces me.

He's not human. He can't be. No one whose eyes can change like some magic is human. No one who can bite me like that is human, unless a cannibal with a massive mouth.

"Let's talk this out, Lily."

I shoot him a glare, my anger rising as he looks smug by his desk, just watching me, awaiting my next move. "What are you?" I ask, my words laced with demand as my back hits the glass of the window. "Why am I here. Are you going to eat me?"

He laughs.

His laugh deep and rich, sending shocks to my core, my body becoming hot as that sound vibrates through my body.

"Eat you? I'm not some savage, and the only way I'll be eating you is from-

"Stop!" I snap, already knowing what he's hinting at as a smile, one that stretches from ear to ear makes me want to cower. It's a wide grin, one of pearly whites, one that to an outsider would think belonged to a Move Star, but here, as I stand before him, it makes me fear him. "I want my answer."

Nixonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن