The Jedi Academy

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I was starting my first day at the Jedi academy with my best friend Ben Solo. Master Luke said I had "potential". My parents decided that I finally reached the right age my parents wanted me to be to be put into the academy, nine years old. My friend Ben was here for a year longer than I and I'm guessing he already has his lightsaber. Maybe he could help me train.
One thing about Ben, he's never really been an outgoing person. Neither am I, and that's why I like him. Me and Ben met when I was passing by Old Man Han's house and a group of bullies came to mess with me. Ben saw me and ran to my rescue, once they found out he was related to Master Luke they ran off. I wonder why. He never told me.
As I walked into the academy Ben and Master Luke greeted me telling me I was going to do great. I believe them, but I truly don't know if I will. " Eric, you'll be fine. Trust me the exercises they make you do for beginners is super easy. " Ben assured me.
"Are you sure I'll do good? Do you think Master Luke won't like me?" I asked.
"Master Luke loves all his students. Trust me Eric."
I decided to trust him. After all, Ben was usually right.
So I walked up to the training room and Ben was right. All the beginners were just practicing lightsaber fighting with sticks. I decided to join in. I walked towards the leader of the group and grabbed a stick.
I walked up to a girl... She was beautiful. I struck at her, and she quickly blocked my attack. I struck her at the side, but I didn't want to hurt her, so I stopped and she hit me in the chest and I fell. I pretended like I couldn't get up so she'd pick me up.
"Hi. I'm Eric." I told her.
"Hey. I'm Jemma. How old are you? I'm nine." She replied.
"I'm nine too." Oddly. She smiled at me. I knew that Jemma would be a promising.. Ally?
After training I was showed to my dorm. I requested to share a room with Ben. I talked to Ben about my day, and Jemma. He told me that he was getting contacted by someone some "amazing guy" named Snoke. I've never heard about him, but Ben told me about him. He also mentioned his grandfather, Darth Vader. He told me how amazing, and strong in the force he was. I wanted to be just like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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