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~Chapter 2~

(Ed P.O.V)

I was walking to threw the park to clear my mind. Im getting major writers block and thats not good for singer/songwriters. I was looking up at the stars in the midnight sky not paying attention where i was going and bump into someone. "sorry" they say...its a girl. " its fine love" I say and she looks up studying my face. It gives me time to study hers. She was beautiful. she has milk chocolate brown hair and blue eyes...i must have been staring to long because she started to shift uncomfortably...i also noticed that she was crying..

"Hey whats wrong?" I ask. "Nothing is wrong" She lies and trying to dry her tears without me seeing..but fails miserably. " There is obviously something..tell me im a good listener" I say patting the seat beside me sitting down. "Why do you care? you dont even know me" She says looking me in the eyes. " I dont like it when people..mostly girls are sad or cry ." I say and she gives in and sits down. "Tell me" I say teasingly bumping my shoulder with hers in a playful way. She laughs " My boyfriend now ex has been cheating on me for about a year and i just found out today" She laughs dryly "Caught them in the act in our bed" She says quietly. "Do you plan on trying to make things better with him? like get back together?" I say 'I hope she says no...wait! what am i saying i just met her!' I mentally slap myself. "Hell No! when you cheat you can do it again...I believe in second chances but not in this case!" She says half smiling. "Thats good!" She raises a eyebrow" I mean that your taking this well and your not letting him have the satisfaction of you crying and breaking down anymore..." I quickly add.

'nice save ed' i say in my mind. "Uh-huh names Skylar and your is?"She holds out her hand to shake. " Mines is Ed " I smile shaking her hand...."you have small soft hands" I say but face palm myself after...stupid! "Uh...Thanks i moisturize everyday." She laughs....they sound like music..i wanna make her laugh like that all the time. "So what brings you in the park at this time of night." Skylar asks me. "Clearing my about you" I ask. " Same...with a little bit of crying" She smiles halfheartedly. "Its cold out here you wanna grab some coffee/tea?" I ask hoping she says yes. "Sure i know this great place! Its not to far away from here in walking distance!" Skylar says grabing my hand and starts running. I see a white bright flash go off but I don't think much of it just...I'm just focusing on not tripping and falling. "hey! slow down!" I say almost falling down.

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