The King

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"Where are we going?" I asked Jack and Race as we were heading towards the Brooklyn bridge.

"I just have to make a business stop" Jack said.

We made our way to Brooklyn. I looked up and there was a boy about fifteen with golden brown hair and baby blue eyes.

"Jacky boy what'da doin round these parts" he asked Jack.

"Nothing much Spot just wanted to know if you'se maybe wanted to play poker wit us at Medda's tonight" Jack said.

"I'll have to see what me schedules like" Spot replied. "Well who's this pretty face over here" he said referring to me.

I blushed pretty no ones ever called me pretty before.

"This is my..." Race began but I cut him off.

"I'se can speak for me self" I snapped.

Spot smiled.

"Elizabeth Higgins but my nickname is Liz" I said.

"Spot, Spot Conlon" Spot said as he kissed my hand.

Race pulled me away from Spot. Spot and I both rolled our eyes.

"Just think about it" Jack said.

"By Spot" I waved.

"By pretty face!" He called.

It was late at night when someone tapped on my bedroom window. It was Spot.

"What are you'se doing here?" I asked him.

"Just thought I'd drop by" he replied.

"Well you better drop by quick my brother could hear you" I said.

"Liz who are you talking to?" I heard Race ask.

"You better go" I said starting to close the window.

"Wait" he said stopping the window with his hand. "Meet me tomorrow night at the Brooklyn bridge I'se gotta show you'se something"

"Spot..." I began.

"Please for me" he begged.

I nodded and he went down the fire escape. Should I do this? I asked myself.

From Reno to Brooklyn  (Spot Conlon love story) Where stories live. Discover now