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I woke to the loud slam of the front door and the loud clank of someone removing their boots.

The clanking continues as I peer over the couch to see the four boys starting breakfast.

"I hear them calling for you. I hear them calling for you." Harry sings, cracking eggs into a bowl swiftly.

Liam and Louis take over the song while sifting through the fridge, "I feel the waves getting started. It's a rush inside I can't control. Your eyes keep pulling me in. I know, I know, I know, your friends all talking 'bout me. They say I got no chance at all. Your fire is burning deep, in my soul, my soul, my soul."

I walk over to the island, careful not to stop the at-home concert as Niall starts singing into a spatula, "I ain't up for debating, ain't enough for the taking. You got the whole world shaking."

"In the middle of the night when the wolves come out, headed straight for you heart like a bullet in the dark. One by one, I gotta take them down, but you run and hide, ain't going down without a fight. I hear them calling for you. I hear them calling. In the middle of the night when the wolves come out, headed straight for your heart. They come straight for your heart. I hear them calling for you. I hear them calling for you." Harry hits all his notes and the three others add in some falsetto notes in the background.

"I keep on holding tight now, cause your body's telling me don't let go. We're gonna be starting trouble, I know, I know, I know," Liam starts again, stirring pancake batter. Niall starts his lines after a little pause, "It's bringing my demons out, more than ever now. Your beauty could start a war, as you walk in the door." He curses as he flips over a burned piece of bacon.

When they finish the song, I clap and whistle like a mad-man. "Free room, food, and show. What's next?" I pop a grape in my mouth from a bowl Liam sets on the table.

"Well, if you're lucky, you might get a drunk Niall lap dance tonight." Louis winks playfully at me.

"That happens one time and you never hear the end of it!" Niall whines.

"What's tonight?" I raise an eyebrow at Harry, his eyes dropping to his feet immediately.

"I'm throwing a party tonight and before you say no, hear me out." He pleads, placing an egg on each of the five plates.

"I know you hate parties but what better way than to introduce you to all my friends?" He asks innocently.

"Harry," I groan, throwing my head back in annoyance.

I've been to approximately three parties throughout my entire life. They were all equally horrible, resulting in vomiting or massive headaches.

"Please, Isabella Anne Styles?" Harry rushes over to me and gets on his knees, being the dramatic mess he is.

"Harry," I warn as he bats his lashes at me.

"Please." Louis joins him on the ground, giving me the same look.

"I promise not to leave your side." Niall offers, getting on his knees too.

"Yeah, we'll be your body guards or whatever." Liam laughs from by the sink. He pops a grape into his mouth too and I gulp as all these thoughts rush through my mind.

"Okay, fine." I sigh.

The four shout in excitement, jumping around and hugging me. Liam even comes over to kiss me on the forehead.

"Bloody hell, I've burned the bacon again!" Niall throws the spatula across the room and it lands on the white loveseat.

"Fuck you, Horan," Harry shouts, rushing to grab the greasy object from the furniture, shoving a flustered Niall out of the way.

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