Chapter 19

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Ally's POV

Mom hadn't told me when Dad was coming. I didn't know much about him, Mom hated talking about him. All I knew is that he left when I was almost one. There were no photos of him anywhere because they weren't married. Mom is always complaining about how he left her and she had to bring me up to this life by herself but I have never told her but I would sort of preferred a more normal life.

She first mentioned it to me over a month ago and I am in Japan at the moment. It has been six months since I started this tour. Cam hasn't managed to visit to me again. We have still been talking most days but he has been really busy at work with his parents.

There was a guy standing next to Mom. I was about to change to start sound check but I headed over to her.

I immediately knew that it was my Dad. He looked exactly like me. I never looked like my Mom but I looked like him. He had the same shade of dark brown hair and grey eyes. He was taller than me about 6 foot.

"Ally, this is David," Mom said very stiffly

She then disappeared off to somewhere else, probably to talk on her phone.

I looked up and down at him. He was doing the same to me. I guess that it isn't that often that you meet your Dad that you have never met at 23. It was sort of a bit of an awkward conversation to begin with.

"You know why I left your Mom?" he asked.

"No," I said.

"She wouldn't let me run my life."

"I knew it, she's still like it."

"Do you actually want to do this?"

"At first I did but she doesn't let me make my own choices. I didn't even want to do this tour."

He nodded and then Mom called me to perform. I rolled my eyes but did what she said.

"You are more than welcome to stay," I added.

He took a seat as I changed. Mom wanted me to practice the whole set which I wasn't happy with. It took a lot of work and energy to run though the whole thing and personally I thought that it was really pointless. We didn't have any issues with the performance last night so what was the point?

David looked really pleased when he saw me perform. I felt weird calling him Dad since I barely knew him. Mom didn't look pleased. She was glaring at me the whole time that I was performing which is a couple of hours.

I asked him if he wanted to join us for dinner and Mom quickly said that that wasn't alright. David looked a little caught in the middle but he apologised and told me that he had work to get done. I gave him my email and told him to arrange a time to meet up. I don't know why Mom got him to come over here because he lives in New York.

Parker surprised me on the stage again. I really wish that he would stop doing that because it gives me a surprise and most of the fans expect us to kiss which Parker obliged. Once we got off the stage I hit him across the chest. I had already told him about my Dad.

"You can stop hitting me, I have something planned for your day off tomorrow," he said.

"Fine, you definitely owe me. How are you getting me out?" I asked.

"Your Mom thinks that I am taking you out on a romantic date," he laughed.

This made me laugh as well. I could imagine going on a date with him. We left early the next morning and headed out into Tokyo. Parker still wouldn't tell me where we were going. I swear that it was the thing that both Cam and Parker love to do.

We walked into small café and I saw Cam standing there sipping a coffee. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him before kissing him. Parker was laughing at me. I wrapped an arm around Cam and we returned to Parker.

"I think that you owe me now," Parker said.

"I definitely do. How did you do this?"

"Magic," both boys said together.

I rolled my eyes at the pair and Parker just laughed at me.

"Anyway, I have my own things to do, I'm going to meet you here at like nine or so," he said and disappeared. I didn't have to worry about where I was going because Cam had it planned out.

He grabbed my hand before handing me a baseball cap. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and put the hat on. Cam smirked at me and pulled me into frozen yogurt store. I smiled at him because he knew that I love these places.

I grabbed a cup and started to pile yogurt into it. Cam grabbed his own and he began pouring in banana yogurt.

"That stuff is disgusting," I scowled.

"No it isn't, he said and lightly threw some at me.

I almost threw some at him but the shop assistant was glaring at me. Instead I just turned away from him.

"You didn't throw any at me," he said slightly surprised.

"The woman looked like she was about to kick me out if I did," I said.

Cam laughed before piling his with nuts. This is the reason that I would never steal his. I'm not a big fan of nuts. He tried to slip some into mind but I was too fast so he ended up throwing them across the bench. The woman glared at us again which made us laugh more.

Cam clearly had something else planned so we headed out once he had paid. I continued eating as Cam led me through the busy streets. We sat down at a park and we started to talk about my tour. Cam knew how much I hate the tour but I didn't know a way to get out of it. The contract was pretty tight and it meant that I could get out of it.

Cam was deep in thought but he was still listening to me. I was sick of talking about my tour but it was all that is currently going on in my life. Cam didn't have much going on his at the moment except try and get out of meetings with his Dad.

It was the best way to spend a day. Cam and I spend the day exploring Tokyo. We got the odd text from Parker. He would tell us where he was but he kept asking where we were. Cam would laugh it about it and then we would give back a sassy reply.

We ate dinner at this fancy restaurant and headed into this park that has a large amount of fairy lights.

"What would you do if I managed to find a way that you get out of your contract?" Cam asked.

"I would love you forever," I said.

"You better," he said cryptically.

I looked at him and he looked at me. I was so confused about what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

He tucked one hand into his jacket. I turned around for a second before turning back and he made me gasp. He was down on one knee and had a bow open.

"Ally, will you marry me?" he asked.


Sorry it was a bit late but I forgot that I was going away for Easter.

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The Wise One

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