My Future

19 1 0

I wake up in a unknown place with a throbbing head. I look around to see my brother in the chair beside me with his head in his hands. I can sense he is hiding something from me, but I don't ask what's wrong,instead I look around the room. I see flowers with a teddy bear on the table opposite of the bed.
"Who are those from?" I nod my head in the direction of the flowers. Jared looks up at me with a hurt expression on his face, he tries to force a weak smile but it doesn't work.
"Oh,those are from Lacy. She felt bad about what happened to you so she brought you flowers." He looks back down at his hands and sighs. After a moment he looks back up at me, I start to come up with scenarios in my head of what could've happened, but none matched the news I was about to hear.
"Willow,"Jared says with a weak voice. I stare at him as he builds up the courage to tell me the breaking news.
"D-Dad is here." He looks back down at his hands, which turn into fist and his knuckles turning ghost white. I look back at the ceiling as questions ramble through my head. He left us when I was a baby and hasn't tried to contact us until now. I'm brought back to reality when I hear voices and a door opening. Turning my head, I see a doctor walking into the room, followed by my mom. They both wear a worried expression, but the doctor starts talking before I can ask what's wrong.
"Willow, I see you are awake, but now we have to talk about your health." I look at him with a questionable look.
"I'm pretty sure you are well aware that you haven't gained your vision to be in color, correct?" I nod my head, knowing where this is headed. Every doctor appointment I get asked the same questions.
"Well, when I was out in the hall talking to your mother, she mentioned you don't believe in love, is that correct?" Once again, I nod. The doctor looks at me with a serious face,
"No matter if you fall in love this year or the next, you won't be able to see in color. The car accident impaired you from seeing the world in color, I'm sorry."

I hope this update is good, sorry it wasn't sooner I couldn't figure out what to write. You guys will hear more about her dad soon,but we are almost to the main part of the story:) please keep reading and comment. Thanks

Through my eyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon