Part 2

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Spanish class is over and I once again make my way over to my locker. I gasp in surprise as I see all the contents of the locker spread across the floor. I see that my books had pages ripped out, my notes have been scattered all across the hallway, and my locker had been written on. I look at the words that were spelled across the locker. Names like Psycho Christian, Religious Scum, Bible Thumper, and Jesus Freak. I sadly look around and nobody even notices what had happened. The teachers were also oblivious to what had occurred. I start to pick up my belongings and right when I'm about to grab a book, a foot kicks it aside. I look up to see Tristan and his friends.

"My gosh! What happened here! Did the poor Jesus Freak get vandalized!" Tristan said sarcastically.

I just looked up into his grinning face, not saying a word.

"What a loser! She isn't even smart enough to answer!" Replied Annabelle. Nicky and Hadley were snickering in the background.  I could feel tears starting to well up into my eyes. I didn't want to cry and give them their satisfaction.  

"Shut up and leave me alone.." I sadly say.

"Wow the virgin has spoken! I didn't even know you could speak that well!" Tristan once again replied.

I ignore him and start to walk away, I don't even care that my belongings are still scattered across the ground. Since school is over, I briskly walk outside and towards my house. I look back to see that Tristan and his friends are following me. I try not to make eye contact with them, as they continue to call me names and mess up my hair. They are making comments about my figure, the clothes I wear, and the way I put my makeup on. I once again feel the urge to cry, but I swallow my tears.

I finally make it to my house and I turn around to see Tristan and his crew just smiling and waving goodbye.

"Bye virgin! See you on Monday!" Annabelle replies. With that they all leave and made their own ways home.

I open the door of my house and run all the way to my room. I slam my door shut and lock it. I fling myself onto my bed, and cover my face with pillows so nobody would hear me cry. I cried until I had no tears left. I was tired of it all. I was tired of the bullying that never stopped. I told teachers, but they never did anything about it. I told my parents, but they didn't believe me. I would tell my friends, if I had any. The only person to every listen to me is God, at least I think so.

"Dear God, why me? Why am I the one always being bullied because of you? I'm so weak and tired. I don't think I can go on any farther. Lord, I love you, but why does this happen to me! What am I being punished for! Jesus, I don't think I can do this any longer. I want to go home to you.."

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