"I'm hardly ever late" I exclaimed. It was lies though, I know I'm always late, I didn't think she paid attention though.

"You were late today" she said.

"Only by a few minutes."

Her had snaps up to look at me. "Your shift started at 12:00pm but you came in at 1:40pm."

Awkward. "You're right, it was totally irresponsible of me and it won't happen again. But I've been working here for a while now, I need at least two weeks notice before getting let go. I have expenses to pay and I need the time to look for a new jo-"


"Okay I know I messed up but I'm actually really good at this job compared to your other employees and I-"


"If you'll just listen to m-"

I jumped when she slammed down the newspaper on her desk and rose out of her chair pointing a finger to the door.

"Don't let me have call security" she said.

My eyes narrow, my wolf wanted to come out. I mean, I know being late was my fault but she could of at least have the decency to hear the lie that I was going to feed her. Though, if my wolf came out hers would too, and she would most likely win the fight because I haven't been trained. Long story short, when my parents were willing to teach me a couple things, I didn't feel like it. I moved out when I was seventeen. You could say I was one  of those annoying kids saying 'YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME' then storming to their room. Only when I moved out did I notice that I was being dramatic. My parents and I have made up long since then, so all is well again.

I left her office. Losing my job right now is extremely inconvenient for me, I have enough money for a couple more rent days but I can't afford to be out of a job right now. 

Walking into the staff room I spotted my friend Anna eating at the table.

"What did she want this time?" she asked taking a bite out of her apple.

"Oh you know, same old same old, crushing people's moods on the daily" I said grinning. "And she fired me" I added.

The apple piece that was in her mouth fell out onto the table as she gaped at me.

"Oh you are so attractive" I teased. She shut her mouth and flicked the apple piece on the floor.

"Let the janitor clean that up" she waved her hand dismissively as I giggled. "But WHAT!? WHY?" she screamed.

"Okay first off, calm down" I said rubbing my ears that ringed with the sudden increase of noise. "And second, because she's my boss, and I'm always late."

"That's no excuse!" she said.

"Uh, yeah, it is. She's my BOSS remember" I exclaimed.

"Yeah but you need this job though. And if you leave, she will have to find another person to pick on and I just know it's going to be me" she whined pouting. 

"Yeah I know I need this job, UHH, if I wasn't so stupid and actually got up on time I wouldn't be fired right now. No one near by is hiring right now." I put my head on the table thinking of what my next move is. I rise my head and look at Anna.

 She pauses mid crunch "What?"

"I'm screwed." I stand to walk to the change room but she grabs my arm.

"Maybe you can get your job back by talking to her boss. Like, everyone thinks she's mean and irrational right? And she doesn't direct us, or make our schedule, we do everything on our own and assume it's right, so you can't really be blamed for anything you've done wrong considering you haven't been told what's right."

"I'm positive her boss won't care, we'll just be a headache." 

"Let's just try. Let's get her replaced so you won't be fired and we'll all get a new manager" she said. Her excitement was starting to roll onto me but I still had doubts.

"We'll type a petition and get everyone who agrees with us to sign it" Anna squeaked nodding her head waiting for me to agree.

"Alright" I sigh walking over to the desk in the corner.

"Okay well you have to type it up because I still have a job to attend to" Anna leaves while I stare at the blank document I pulled up.

An hour later I have a page and a half done with lines underneath for people to sign and it's done.

Anna walks in and sits at the table to eat a banana "How's it going?"

"I'm done" I say looking at her. "Isn't your next break in four hours?"

She laughs "I make my own breaks, no one ever notices so why stop" she shrugs her shoulders. "Anyways give it. I want my name up there. And remember, when speaking to him, her boss, be direct and confident."

"I thought you were coming with me!" I just about shout.

"And what? Get fired?" She laughs. "You have nothing to lose but I do. Like you said, there are no places hiring around here so I need this job just as much as you do. Heck, me signing my name is a risk." She took the papers from my hand and signed her name on the first slot. "You'll be okay, just breathe."

"Maybe I should come back another day. I should practice more of what I'm going to say."

"He's not always in his office so you won't no which day to come in. At the end of the day he's just a person" She says.

After giving me five more minutes of pep talk I quickly got to work on getting people to sign the paper. When I finally got people to sign it, after begging half of them, I went to the elevator and pressed the top floor where the CEO is. If I wasn't nervous before I sure as hell am now, it will be embarrassing if I got turned down, or if he called her into the office while I'm trying to get her fired. Plus, would the CEO even be her boss? He seems to high up to worry about things like this.

The elevator doors opened and I walked in with my cleaning supplies and my petition sheet in the pocket of my jumpsuit. I walked up to the front desk.

"Hello, can you please show me the way to Noah Thompsons office? He made a mess and requested for it to be cleaned" I lied.

"Down the hall to your right and make a left" The secretary barely looked at me before going back to her computer.

"Thank you" I said. Walking down the hall I was having that weird feeling again. My heart is in my throat and I want to turn back but I'm already so far. Of course this isn't going to work but the worst that can happen is his kicking me out, I might as well try.

I knocked on the door and I heard a voice say enter.

Noah's POV

"Enter" I said. Rearranging the documents scattered on my desk. But I stopped and looked up when my insides started going wild, and my skin got prickly with my wolfs fur.

 At first I thought it was my mate Heather. But it wasn't, it was a female I've never seen before, with long brown hair tied back into a ponytail. She was in a janitors jumpsuit. She was absolutely gorgeous. Breathtaking.

I sit still, watching her move towards me and standing in front my desk.

Her lips are moving but I hear no words. I only watch her movements as though I'm in a silent trance.

Little whispers start to rise within me. My inner animal clarifying any confusion I had.

Mate. Is all the whispers says. Over and over again.


SOOO I'm currently editing and re writing bits of this story because it was in horrible condition. I'll try to get it done as soon as I can and at the beginning of each chapter I will put an "E" for edited to let you know if I fixed that chapter yet.

This chapter was edited btw :)

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