Chapter 1 - Break Down

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Skye’s P.O.V

  Wind blew through my hair as I drove down the street on the way to my boyfriend’s house. As usual the radio was turned on full blast and I did seem to be attaining some very peculiar looks from by-passers on the street. After all, the area in which Harry lived in was fairly posh.

 I hadn’t seen Harry ever since he left to tour in America, I missed him to a great extent and therefore I really wanted to impress him. I decided to wear a cream collared top and my favourite skinny jeans along with a luxurious floaty scarf that Harry had given me for my 18th birthday. I knew he would like it.

 I was so anxious waiting at his front door step, waiting for the moment when I got to see his cheeky smile again.  After the multiple times I had knocked, the door finally opened. My heart sunk as I saw a broken down Harry standing in the hall way. He was wearing a loose tank top and his casual tracksuit bottoms, tears were streaming down his face leaving his eyes all red and puffy. Automatically I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

“Harry! What’s wrong!?” I said, still clenching onto him. Harry turned to face me as we sat on the stairs.

“It’s the boys” He sighed “We had a bit of a….disagreement” I had never seen him so upset before, it was unbearable to see him in this state.  His head was being held up by his hands, making it easy to see his worn down and bitten nails.

“I’ll make us some tea and we can talk about it” I told him with loving eyes. I walked into Harry’s kitchen (which by the way was unlike any kitchen I had ever seen before) and began to make us a drink. Whilst the kettle boiled, I stood in the doorway of his living room watching him break down in tears. It must have been pretty bad for him to be reacting like this.

 Carefully, I walked into the living room where Harry was and placed the mugs on the glass coffee table.

“It’s all my fault” he muttered. I was so worried about him, yet curious to find out what had happened at the same time. “I was the one who said it. I was the one who made me sound like the biggest jerk in the universe.”

 I didn’t really know what to do. I sat there, perched on the edge of the sofa listening to Harry tell himself that he was worthless. I couldn’t let him sit there and do this to himself but to be honest I didn’t really have a choice. I didn’t want to interfere; it might have made it worse so all I could do was watch him break down. 

 Harry jolted as the familiar sound of his ringtone echoed from his pocket. With shaking hands he took a glance at the phone and then flung it across the room, hitting one of the Britt awards he had received and shattering it to pieces. This was followed by a scream full of rage.  A little shocked, I went to pick up his phone to see 3 missed calls from Niall.

“What’s happened Harry?” I said with a stern look on my face.

“The boys think I’m taking the lead and management want me to go on a solo career” He said, staring into space. I tried to comfort him but in his situation I don’t think anything could have made him happy.

“I don’t know what to say”

“You don’t have to say anything Skye” I sighed, not knowing what to say or do.

“It’s down to you to fix it” I said, pecking his cheek. I thought it was best to give him some time to think.

Harry’s P.O.V

 I was full with rage and anger, how could I have been so stupid? It was like there was a burning flame within me and I needed to release it. Skye was supposed to be coming over later. I didn’t want to hurt her. That’s all I have done today. Hurt.

 A sudden knock at the door grabbed my attention. Quickly I wiped my eyes before opening it to find Skye standing there. My beautiful girlfriend. I couldn’t help but notice that she was wearing the scarf I had bought her. But for some reason I just didn’t feel the way I usually do when I see her. Her golden brown hair was flowing way past her shoulders and her emerald green eyes glistened in the sunlight but there was a certain way she was looking at me that made me feel even worse than I already did.

 We spoke for a while, well at least I did. I didn’t think she would be too concerned about what had happened but it turns out she just wanted to help me. She had comforted me endless times before but this time it didn’t work, I still needed to release the burning fire. I kept mumbling things to myself and she just sat there watching me as if she had no other choice. Don’t get me wrong, I love her dearly and I missed her loads but there was just an eerie feeling lurking in the atmosphere that made something seem out of place.

 Earlier on that day we had a band meeting about how we don’t seem to be making enough money which is a load of rubbish. But that wasn’t why we were called there, management wanted to talk to me.  Whilst we were having a break, I was called into a separate office where to my surprise Simon Cowell was sitting at his desk.

“Ah, Harry” He said with a cunning smirk on his face. “Take a seat”

 I obeyed him and we spent about an hour talking about how the band would be better off without me and how I should begin a solo career. I did like this idea but I didn’t want to leave the boys behind and all the hard work we had done. I mean, we had already invested in a movie and even a world stadium tour, I couldn’t abandon them now.

 As time passed, I went back out to talk to the boys. It wasn’t easy. However, the way they were talking to me felt as if they were treating me like their dog. Insults were shot at me and it was as if I was trying to dodge bullets. But it made me think, maybe I am better off without them and maybe I should invest in going solo. It all became clear to me and I began to argue back.

“You have no right to do this to us!” Bellowed Liam

“I can do what I want! I’m a free man! It’s not as if you need me is it?” I raged.

 I stormed out of the office and back to my house which is where I am now, dwelling on the situation. I don’t see why I had to get so worked up about it. Maybe I would benefit from a solo career? After all I was the most popular member of 1D and the best singer. There was no doubting that.

 After about 2 hours, Skye left which gave me some time to think. I needed some space. I didn’t know what was going to happen now, am I still in 1D? Frustratingly my phone rang once again and it vibrated on the table where Skye had left it. Still kind of traumatised by the situation, I let it ring. It seemed like it was everlasting but soon enough Niall’s sweet Irish accent echoed through the phone, except this time it wasn’t sweet, it was harsh yet he sounded as if he had been crying.

“Harry, we need to talk to you, ring me.”

 I didn’t know what to do. My brain was messed up and I was feeling slightly dizzy, too dizzy to allow me to focus. I didn’t really want to forgive them but it was the only thing I could do.

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