5: One Chance

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"So we shouldn't buy it?" I asked.

"Wait to buy it, save your money." Richtofen noted.

"Alright, fine."

Zombies started pouring in from the windows inside and whad'ya know! The mystery box is in here!

I open and it stops on a molotov, so I grab it. Richtofen grabs the MP-40 off the wall where the chalk outline is and starts blowing zombie's brains out.

I feel a sudden surge through my body with an image briefly appearing in my head. It seems to be my crew but alive... everyone else seems to have this reaction because they stop moving.

"What...?" Nikolai began, but cut himself off to blow the head of a zombie in front him ripping off the last board from the window off all over his attire.

My mind started to wander at this point. It was a bit boring shattering the skull and tissue of a zombie over and over again. That image sort of struck me. Suddenly I heard a raspy demonic voice scream "THEIR DOOM WILL BE MY BEGINNING!" This made me unexplainably mad and I began to plow through zombies pouring in the entrance of the fishing hut. I think everyone else had a similar thing happen to them, because Takeo screamed "You will not take my honor!" And sliced several zombies with a sword. Nikolai chugged down the last of his vodka and smashed the bottle to a thousand pieces on the mud - filled hair of an imperial soldier. And Richtofen... well, he went a bit insane and started pointing his MP-40 towards the nether regions of the zombies.

My thoughts started to become clouded with numbers again! Flickering red numbers! So many of them! I-I can't take it! I refuse!

I seemed to have snapped back into the real world when a zombie tackled me to the ground. Hard. He was pushing extremely hard on me but Nikolai started tearing the head off of the zombie on me with his bare hands. The zombie started turning around to try and attack Nikolai but he tore the zombies head completely off and threw it hard at a zombie sprinting towards Takeo, knocking it to the ground. The zombie attacked Nikolai anyways but all it took was a good kick to keep it down.
"You okay American?" He asked me quite calmy.
"Y-yeah, thanks," I mumbled to him. I immediately picked up my Flamethower and started spraying it at the opening before I realized something.

"Guys, we need to get out of here!"

"Why?" Richtofen asked quite loudly.

"They're pinning us in here!"

"Don't worry American, Ze docta has an idea!"

Richtofen suddenly started dashing forwards past me and I had to stop shooting my fire as to not burn him (as much as I want to).

"Zis way!" He shouted. He led us past the "flogger" and he led us to another gate which he opened to the "comm room".

"Takeo, would you mind opening Zis please?"
Takeo walked up and opened it. Three different flashing machines floated until a couple seconds later when a bright red one plopped down and Richtofen squealed.

"Yes, YES! Everyone purchase this right now!"

"What does it do?" Takeo asked.

"It makes you stronger and more durable to zombie attacks!" Richtofen then put in two nickels into the slot and a bright red beer bottle rolled down. Richtofen popped the cap off onto the ground and chugged it down. He then smashed the bottle onto the ground and belched.

Nikolai put in ten cents and did the same thing. "Wow! Feels like liquid steroids!"

I walked up to it and put a dime into the machine and did the same thing as the others. It tasted like strawberry beer.

Takeo then put in his money and drank some too. We all walked further into the room and heard some strange buzzing noises.

There were communications equipment all around, some still buzzing. There was blood splattered everywhere and a sense of darkness. The equipment sometimes sounded like robotic screams, and other equipment seemed to be listing out numbers. Very... familiar...numbers...

For some reason, the zombies seemed to be coming in here slower than usual. Only a few appeared at the windows and several appeared in the doorway with a few shambling behind. It was very odd how a second ago there were hundreds. 

Our weapons were doing only ok at this point. Which is not a good thing. The zombies seemed to casually walk right through the flames of my M2. This sort of infuriated me, so I ran up to the zombie who was soaking up my fire and I kicked him hard to the ground. All of a sudden, the zombies became more aggressive. They were running really fast and screeching loudly. It also seemed they may be stronger than before.

"Vat is happening?" Richtofen shouted.

All of a sudden they stopped. All of them. They completely stopped dead in their tracks.

Suddenly the familiar demonic voice returned, and it spoke through all of the zombies mouths.
"I will give you four one chance to live. Run like hell. I will give you all 5 hours to escape. Starting now."

You better believe we ran like hell. Richtofen grabbed some weird tangle - like gun with him and I left my M2. As much as I love it, it was no use to them, and it would be way too fucking heavy for five hours worth of walking. Instead, I took a M1 Carbine that was lying around.

3 hours pass...

It has been 3 hours and we were far out of the swamp and away from the zombies. Richtofen took a radio with him and kept trying to talk into but to no avail.

"Dammit!" He shouted, furiously turning the knobs.

The sun was setting. There was also smoke. It seemed that we were getting close to an industrial area. The smoke looked strange with the pink sky beaming on it.

"Good god! Ze whole area must have the infection!" Richtofen exclaimed.

"I doubt this is an infection, Richtofen," Takeo began, "What kind of infection would do this sort of thing to people?"

"I'm ze only doctor here, and I don't believe you are one, Takeo!" Richtofen hissed.

"Guys, shut up. Do you hear that?" Nikolai exclaimed.

A loud electric sound. A bright purple light beamed over the forest we were currently in.

"What the fuck are we doing here?" Dempsey shouted.

"Just calm down, Dempsey. I know what I'm doing." Richtofen replied.

That wasn't us.

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