Bradley Will Simpson

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Full Name: Bradley William Simpson

Brithday: July 28, 1995

From: Birmingham, United Kingdom

His favorite colour is Red.

If he had a superpower it would be to take others peoples powers.

His favorite flavor ice cream is Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough.

He loves the film 21 Jump Street.

He loves vitamine water.

In the band he is the lead singer and can play Guitar/Ukulele and Piano.

He has 1 sister, who is in her 20's and her name is Natalie.

He has a dog called Jesse which he adores!

He wrote some of his own songs before to joined The Vamps...

He is terrible at spelling.

He does the most weirdest things in the world.

He is 5ft 7

His musical influences are The Vaccines, The 1975, Of Monsters and Men, The Cribs and The Kooks

His favorite song of all time is 'Daryl Hall & John Oates - You Make My Dreams'

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