Why I don't tell you.

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"What's bothering you? Somethings upsetting you. Callie, please tell me. I'm scared"
You beg and plead as you wrap your arms around me. In this moment, I don't know what's going on in my head.
My mind is weird in the ways it works. I feel sad for unknown reasons, I think about things and forget them instantly, or I see things unclearly in my mind. It's all shapes and it's up to me to interpret my thoughts.
You hug me tightly, you know that whatever I'm thinking is hurting me and you just want to help. You want to comfort me but you don't know how. You don't know how to fix the problem if you don't know the problem. This makes you feel helpless in the situation when all you want to do is help me.
All my problems have happened a long time ago. I've told you them all.
To repeat myself would make me annoying and repetitive. Why bring up something that happened when I was only really young?
I don't want you worrying over something like this. I don't want you stressing over me and my issues.
So I hug you tightly back "nothing baby, I'm fine"
As my heart breaks

A Journey into my mindWhere stories live. Discover now